Monday, February 13, 2012

Lecture 15: CV Writing

In today's lecture we will look at the main elements of an academic CV, some examples and think about what kinds of jobs you might apply for in the near future. This will help you all with this week's lab practise - creating your academic CV.


  1. My personality test was pretty accurate. It said I was slightly extroverted, and I see myself as quite outgoing. It also said I'm governed by my feelings, which is very true, though I do possess the ability to think analytically, feelings aside. My career suggestions were Education, counseling, science, and physician. All fields that I have considered or am currently pursuing. It's nice to know that my personality fits my chosen field, though I don't think anyone should take it to heart if a personality test says they shouldn't be a doctor, or psychologist etc.

  2. I have done several of these types of tests in the past, and the resutls of this one coincide exactly with all the previous ones. I tend to be very consistent my results- I guess I know which type of personality I have! The problem with these sorts of tests is that the answers are subject to our own opinion of ourselves, which can often be biased. People tend to answer some questions as who they would like to be, rather than who they really are, or go too hard on themselves. I would be curious to see if I would get the same results having a friend or parent fill out the test for me. Some of the careers presented have actually been high on my list in the past, and some I never would have considered. It’s nice to see that some of my interests relate to my personality!

  3. I both disagree and agree with the personality test, some questions were applicable to how I am all the time, however, some were poor questions. By poor question I refer to the answer changing depending on what is happening in your life at that moment. For example, while in school I don't always want to be planning "get togethers" and parties, I want to de-stress, not create more stress. Of all the careers suggested, only one was one that I had considered in the past and it is not close to what I am doing now. I don't find these tests valuable, it may lead to fatalistic attitudes in people. We must remember that you can be whatever you would like to be with the right mental attitude.

  4. The personality test said I am introverted intuitive judging and thinking. This is fairly accurate but I think the test gets at superficial qualities. Also it doesn't explain well what these adjectives mean. I am confused by what a judging personality is. Some career suggestions, like natural sciences, were close to my interests but it also suggested careers like law, librarian, and computer programming that are far from my interests.

  5. I thought the test accurately described my personality and how I act, make decisions and feel about other people (friends and strangers) but the career results it gave me were not ones that I have ever really been interested in. Being a nurse is definitly not my cup of tea, but I have thought about being a teacher. But not in a classroom, being a teacher of sports; a coach. I feel that the test does have value because it can help you understand the way you do things and can give your potential employers a better idea of what sort of co-worker and employee you would be. This test may not be relevant and accurate for everyone, because we also choose our career path based on our history and past experiences, which the test does not encompass.

  6. I agree with Alyssa I would be really interested to see what other people would say about me! However the test was pretty accurate for me I think except for one category. It's really interesting to try and evaluate yourself. There were a couple of questions where I really could have been one or the other depending on what situation/ mood I am in. Definitely an interesting survey.

  7. I have done a test like this before and have scored the same. I think it is good that this test tells you what percentage you are of each characteristic, since some are definitely stronger than others for me. Tests like this are very useful when trying to determine what type of job you want to have if you are still struggling to figure out what options are out there for you. I agree with Alyssa that these tests can often be swayed by answers based on how you want to be perceived rather than how you actually are.

    I think the more we can understand our personality types, the better we can choose jobs that are suited to our personalities. This can result in having a more successful career overall.

  8. I mostly agree with the result of the test, but I am not sure how accurate it could be. The questions were sometimes confusing, worded awkwardly, and I may have contradicted myself on similar questions.
    I thought I was less feeling (more realistic), but more judgmental.
    The results were interesting, but it doesn't really tell me that much more about myself than I already knew. The links attached to the results of the quiz were really interesting and more informative. I am not sure how much I agree with the results, the careers listed were definitely not ones I had considered.
    I think being a mastermind temperament could be fun!

  9. I also agree with Alyssa. My personality, as described by the test, is one that wants to be appreciated and accepted as well as hold high standards for themselves. Therefore, it would make sense that I would manipulate my responses to fit my "ideal self". As much as i think the test is dead on, I question whether doing evaluations like this actually limit the options we give ourselves. I know in regards to my history, teachers have been giving us these tests since high school and they have definitely impacted my life and career choice.

  10. I don't really think online personality tests like the Jung and Briggs Myers personality test have much value or merit. Answering 50 questions is not enough for someone to get a grasp of who you are and what careers you would be good at. However I did think in this case my personality test seemed very accurate it pegged me as a shy person which is definatley true. I just don't think that information alone is enought to predict what my future career should be. For example the career indicator suggested I should be a nurse however I hate needles and am a total wuss for the sight of blood. This is something the personality indicator could not predict that would have a big impact on my chosen career choice.

  11. I don't think the test is very accurate. I think if you could answer on a scale or have an option of "sometimes" it would be more accurate, that way you're answers are not so extreme and you're not forced to pick on or the other even when that's not the case. For the most part, I agree with the results. The career suggestions are ones that have come up in other personality tests and have been ones that I have actually considered. I think doing personality tests in general can be useful in helping you get a broader idea of how to distinguish what you're interested in and how that relates to other aspects of your life.

  12. I think my personality test was about half accurate. It said I was a "very expressed extravert". Which means I am very concerned with the outside social and physical environment. I think that can be true at times but not 100% as it said. It also said I was intuitive, feeling and judging. I like to think I can tell what most other people are feeling but I hope I am not too judgemental. It suggested I take up a career in education, couceling, social work and psychology. None of those suggestions appeal to me at all. I think there is more to a well suited career than your personality. Sure if I'm intuitive I might be a good psychologist, but if I am not interested in research settings or talking to people about their problems all day, that would not be a good career for me. It doesn't take interests into account.

  13. I've done this test in high school and it actually hasn't changed! Now i'm an ESFJ and in high school I was an ISFJ but my E was 40% and my I was 60% so it really hasn't changed much. When I first took this test I actually found it so useful for explaining and understanding my personality! It also helped me interact with my parents who are both thinkers (T) while I am a feeler (F). I learned that people approach situations very differently and consequently deal with situations very differently. I really like this test! The only thing I don't like about this test is that it places you in a few categories and some people may find this very limiting for themselves.

  14. My personality test was spot on! It labelled me as a "provider" which I find to be true. My friends have always told me that I have a motherly instinct, and that I am always the one to make sure others are taken care of before myself. It says providers need to be in contact with other people (my brother says I am needy!) and that they are friendly, outgoing and neighborly- all things I believe I am! This personality test was no different than the others I have taken in terms of the results. I am extroverted, rely highly on my feelings and can be judgmental. It also mentions that an ideal job would be in promotions and marketing/management (hmmm I guess my job with U of A Athletics really does suit me!), nursing (motherly instinct?) and Education (which is slightly amazing because I have been debating doing an after degree in Education for the past 2 years!).

    I love personality tests, and I often do them just for fun. I recently tried the "Colorgenics test" ( and I found that remarkably accurate, which slightly worried me. I encourage you to try it out and let me know what you think of the results!

  15. I completely agree with my results. I feel I am quite introverted at times, and like to reason and think about things rather than acting emotionally. It sums me up quite well I believe! I think the career options fit me well too, apparently natural sciences is on the top of my list, I believe this relates pretty well to veterinary medicine, which I hope to go into. This test was great because it gave me some new options if vet school doesn't work out, some that I had never considered before. I think tests like this are very useful if you are still deciding which path you should take and need a little help with options.

  16. My results are the exact same as another class that we had to pay for the test.
    I am ENFJ and it totally reflects my personality!

  17. Evelyn Long Yee ChengFebruary 13, 2012 at 11:20 AM

    The results of this test says that I am 78% extraverted. I really agree with the results because I do know that I am an extravert. I understand the career suggestions of counseling, psychology, social work and education, and while I know I can do very well in these occupations, I will prefer management instead (which is also a suggested occupation that is lower on the list). This is because I think these jobs are a bit too predictable with less chances of career advancement. I am a very ambitious individual and do not want to limit myself in such ways. If I pursue a career related to business and management, I can climb up the corporate ladder and be hugely successful.

  18. Like Alyssa mentioned above, I have also done several types of these tests and I am usually the same personality type: extroverted with feelings/emotions strongly influencing my decisions. I would agree with this conclusion as I have found in my life that I am outgoing and like to socialize as well as many of my major decisions are guided based solely on how I fee about it, not necessarily the rational solution. However, when I looked at the list of possible jobs (nurse, social worker) they are not jobs I have considered as a career before so I would say it may be a bit of a stretch to categorize people into different jobs because they have a certain personality, I think there could be multiple personalities that may be suited to any one job.

  19. My personality test seemed fairly accurate. It described me as a slightly extravert and slightly intuitive personality, and moderately thinking and judging personality. It pegged jobs in Management, engineering, politics, law, education, military and computing fields. I feel I have the levelheadedness and personality which would complement several related fields described. I have previously worked in related fields.

  20. My test seemed to be fairly accurate in analyzing my personality. I am an ENTJ personality and 67% extrovert. I also have high intuitive, judging, and thinking numbers. I like to communicate with people and am fairly social, so this aligned pretty closely with how I see myself. The only part I didn't agree with was the career suggestions provided by the Career Indicator. It suggested management, public administration, and politics as my top careers. While I understand the test is trying to show I would be good at analytical and organizational jobs, the specific examples it gave did not appeal to me. It is hard for a computer-generated test to tell you what jobs you may be suited to.

  21. Some very interesting questions that I have never considered and didn't know the answer to immediately, despite answering them about myself. The results I got (counsellor, psychiatrist) were personally not correct for me as I am not interested in either of those professions! It's hard for a survey such as this to encompass all aspects of a personality and accurately suggest professions.

  22. The results of this test were pretty accurate. When I first looked at the results I did not agree but upon reading the analyses it clarified and match very closely to my personality. It is interesting that this simple test can reveal so much about someone. The job possibilities were also very interesting as I am planning on being a teacher. This was one of the possibilities because of the 'provider' and 'guardianship' traits that came up. It is great to know that my personality corresponds with my career choice and that the traits I believe I exude I truly do.

  23. The results of my test were somewhat accurate, but I did not find the results very helpful because I was not particularly skewed in any one of the traits. This test could be helpful for others who demonstrate a significant difference in any one of the four personality traits considered in this test. However, I did not like that personality traits were also regarded in a very black and white manner in the test, with only a 'yes' or 'no' answer to each question when in fact the answers for most questions are unlikely to be as simple for many individuals. For example, I found that in many cases the description applied to me in certain situations and not in others. Many other personality tests offer answers on a scale (i.e. Responding to statements on a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 is 'completely agree' and 5 is 'completely disagree') and I find that these are much more effective.

  24. My personality test revealed career ideas that I have never thought of before and I would not exactly chose as ideal. There were many careers that had to do with social work (counsellor, psychologist) but I think I have enough troubles dealing with my own problems, and I wouldn't be suitable to help other's solve their's! I found myself debating over "yes or no" for many questions, and I feel that even a couple month's ago, many of my answers would have been different. So there's a possibility that the whole test was thrown off because I really haven't figured out who I am in life yet. My test said I was slightly governed by my feelings. I would have expected to be much higher than slightly, as many times, I do let an emotional factor get in the way of analysing critically.

  25. This test seemed like it was fairly accurate to the personality I feel that I have. The test stated that I am very organized and like to do thing in a timely manner. It also described that I am one to help out a group and take responsibility for projects I am involved in. Although I found the results reflected my personality, the jobs described are not those which I am interested in. This could be due to the types of questions they asked in the test or the way I answered them. Even through the career I am interested in did not appear, I feel as though the analysis of my personality reflects the career which I am pursuing.

  26. I found this test to be somewhat accurate. I think having a 'maybe' response option would be a good idea because lots of questions were hard to answer since many of them depend on the situation. Some of the career options were actually quite close to what I'm planning on doing/have thought of doing, so that would be useful to people who are looking to explore career ideas.

  27. I was typed as an INTJ, but I feel that this may not be an accurate measure of my personality because I am often on the fence about many of the questions asked-I will react multiple different ways to certain challenges depending on the situation, so I cannot make "black-and-white" predictions on my reactions. I do not find these tests valuable because I think my own perceptions of myself cloud the truth of my actual personality. The careers that were picked for me based on the test such as engineering, computer programming and laywer are completely opposite of the careers that I am interested in pursuing such as Science and Veterinary Medicine.

  28. The text is fun, and it contains many questions that we might face in real life. I got a type of ENFP, it says i am a person tho is very expressed extravert, moderately expressed intuitive personality, distinctively expressed feeling personality, very expressed perceiving personality. I'm kindly agree with this result, since I consider myself as extravert and intuitive. But I dont think I am very perceiving, I decide things more based on feelings.

  29. My type is INFJ, I felt that the questions that made up this test were poorly worded but the results were clearly stated. My opinion of myself is too biased for this test to be reliable. This test should have multiple answers for each question, like a strongly agree/disagree option rather than yes or no. The type is clearly described and it does sound like me but I can't get over the fact that there are only so many types of personalities generated by this test. I would do this test for a job interview but I don't feel it is accurate enough to be a source of information about me. This is why job interviewers ask for references.

  30. The test results I got were not consistent with how I usually respond to situations. It said I was intuitive and judging, but I always make decisions using reason and logic first and then consider my emotions. Like Alyssa said, these tests are biased because we have an idea of who we want to be so we unknowingly don't answer the questions honestly. I've done a few of these tests and results have been quite varied so I never take them seriously. However, the careers they suggested for me were ones that I have considered such as law and management.

  31. Jacqueline Baker and I (Vanesa Flynn) agree with out results for the most part. We are very outgoing individuals which the test picked up. The jobs related to our field of interest. One comment on the test, some of the questions needed a maybe, but other than that it was good

  32. I pretty much agree with how this tested rated my personality. It said I was moderate in all categories except only slightly judgemental which is a fairly good description of me. Although I feel like, by the questions they asked, the test might have concluded that I was more antisocial than I actually am. The career choices were completely unsuitable though. The only one that mildly interests me is education but other than that, I have never considered any of those options and I don't think I ever would. I feel like a person shouldn't be using a personality test to decide what career they choose anyway because you probably know yourself better than a test.

  33. I feel that the personality test is fairly accurate in determining my personality type. I feel that I scored high in categories that I possess and lower on the ones that I feel are absent. The personality test can be a very useful tool when one is trying to determine a career path. You want to pick a career where your personality is beneficial. Personally, when I looked at the suggested careers with my personality type I found many that I have thought of perusing and would enjoy.

  34. Ok fine it works... this is the first time i have taken this sort of test... it is actually pretty close to the personality i have, iwas happy about the fact that when i looked up career options it was what i am registered in. I guess i amlittle extroverted, but again i believe its more like a self evalation. I would rather have one of the close friends do the test for me just to see if the results tend to be any different.another thing to consider would be the analysis of the situayion and if these results change with further experince

  35. I have done a few of these tests before. I think this particular one needed more than a yes or no answer. I always enjoy doing these quizzes and seeing how close they actually relate to my personality. I'm glad this isn't how we have to pick our career from these quizzes!!
    Sara Hughes

  36. I have done this test a few times before and it is always interesting to see how my results change depending on the situation I'm currently in, my present mood and what is happening in my life. I think the results change most drastically depending on if I am doing the test for school/work or at home because my personality tends to be quite different between the two. This time, I think that the results were generally accurate however I disagree slightly with the percentages assigned to each trait. The test itself I believe could be beneficial to employers because it could give some insight as to who they are employing. However, they would have to keep in mind that many different types of people could be successful in different types of jobs and someone who has a personality one may not think would be compatible with a certain job could excel.

  37. Ok fine it works... this is the first time i have taken this sort of test... it is actually pretty close to the personality i have, iwas happy about the fact that when i looked up career options it was what i am registered in. I guess i amlittle extroverted, but again i believe its more like a self evalation. I would rather have one of the close friends do the test for me just to see if the results tend to be any different.another thing to consider would be the analysis of the situayion and if these results change with further experince

  38. I generally disagree with this personality test, my results were kind of accurate, but I believe that many of the questions were fairly general and that many people would answer in similar ways, even though they are very different people, which makes me question the validity and accuracy of a test such as this one. I also believe that there should be a continuum of possible answers (i.e. never, almost never, sometimes, almost always, always) because that gives more options and would possibly have the test be more accurate in it's findings.

  39. I used to be in psychology and have taken personality tests before. I feel like this one was less accurate compared to tests like the Meyers Briggs. I tend to judge much more than I was rated for, and I'm not quite as extraverted as listed. I feel personality varies depending on social situations, but this was good to see.

  40. The test turn out that i am a ISTJ type of person. I almost agree with the result. I am # moderately expressed introvert,moderately expressed sensing personality,slightly expressed thinking personality, slightly expressed judging personality.
    In my real life. I like follow a leader or somebody who is in charged. I dont want to make judgment or decision. I just want to finish the job that belongs to me perfectly.

  41. The personality test did seem to be some what accurate in certain areas but very inaccurate in other areas. I do not think that this test is a good measure of a true personality test because the only answers were yes and no but not a maybe or sometimes. Some of the job descriptions that the test gave me were accurate such as education and social work but other jobs listed were way off such as politics. Overall is was a fun test that gave some correct information and some incorrect information.

  42. I've done many tests of this kind and I always try to keep the answers similar in all of them. Most of the times the results are different. I doubt online surveys are a good way to determine a person's personality. The career suggestions I got didn't relate to me either. Education, Psychology and Counseling just to name a few, have no interest to me at all. Jess mentioned that maybe I could try to answer the questions again without thinking too much. That could be the problem, I think too much before answering the survey.

  43. My results are quite accurate. I think that this survey could be quite accurate but it could also be quite biased. I think that it is good that they repeat questions in different words to see if the person answering is staying consistent with their answers. However I also feel that some people could answer on how they would like to act and not how they do in reality. I personally wouldn't get possible employees to do this because the answers could be changed to suit the job someone is applying for. These questions could also be answered in different way depending on if you are talking about at home or work.

  44. I have done many of these personality tests in the past, some just for fun and some to see what type of schooling I should get because I was so unsure of what I wanted to do. I feel that these tests do reflect your personality in some ways but some biases are involved with questions ares such as these. Theses types of quizzes can be useful to give you and indication of what might or could interest you but it good to think about it for yourself and do not solely rely on such results.

  45. My personality test was fairly accurate! It told me that I could be a counsellor or a social worker and I want to do both of these careers. It also gave me several other career recommendations, some of which I am not interested in. The personality description was mildly accurate, but it exaggerates certain qualities and minimizes other. I wished there was a "maybe" or "sometimes" category rather than just "yes" and "no". That might make results more balanced and accurate.

  46. I liked how the test was set up - a straight yes/no question is a lot easier to answer than "rate on a scale of 1-5" test. Although, I felt that I occasionally contradicted myself. I agreed with the results in general - they do seem to fit my personality. I was surprised to find that I was slightly judging and I wonder which questions determined that. Other than that, I seem to be pretty even across the board. I don't think I discovered anything new about myself. The suggested careers were interesting, because I never really considered some of them as possibilities. A lot of them were working-with-people intensive, which I wouldn't mind.

  47. I disagree with personality tests. In my opinion they generalize people too much, we can not all fit into the same spectrum. Additionally, I find these tests ask the same question in about 15 different ways and that can be frustrating by the end. Surprisingly enough, by disagreeing with personality tests in general I am supporting my results from this test. I guess that is what I get for being a critical thinker.

  48. My result was on ISFJ which says that I am: moderately expressed introvert, moderately expressed sensing personality, distinctively expressed feeling personality, slightly expressed judging personality. I think it is slightly accurate but for a lot of the questions it was difficult to answer with a firm "yes or "no" since I didn't feel 100% about either option for many of the questions. A broader range of available answers would have been helpful. But I do agree that I distinctively express my feelings and am slightly introverted at times.

  49. My personality test results :
    slightly expressed extravert
    moderately expressed sensing personality
    distinctively expressed thinking personality
    slightly expressed judging personality
    Careers that they said I should consider :
    Management, Education, Engineering, Police/law enforcement, Law.

    My personality scores seems about right. Other tests that I have done similar to this have given approximately the same results. I tend to be "an unemotional thinker who is guided more by reasoning than emotion", which I feel is about as right as a computer could be. As for the career options, not at all what I am interested in, which always happens. They see my results, this cold-hearted person, and choose jobs that stereotypically fit that type. Which deep down, is just not me.

  50. This personality test was somewhat accurate for me. It said that I am an introvert which is true, but I scored fairly high in the judgement area, which, I hope is inaccurate. I like taking these tests, I think they're fun, but I don't take them too seriously. I do not believe they are too accurate because the questions can be vague and only allow for yes or no answers.

  51. Both Shannon Wilson and I got similar results for our personality tests. I felt mine was accurate in some ways in that I am someone who likes order and having close family and friends rather than being largely extroverted and always seeking adventure. The results said I would be good in careers that deal with social situations and helping other, which are elements of what I am currently working towards. Shannon does agree with the Guardian role because she does feel comfortable in a leadership role but does not feel comfortable being in the lime-light, this was described accurately in analysis. She found it interesting that the Protector category which she was under is made up of only 10% of society. Also, being in Family Studies it was exactly correct for directing her in the area of social services.

  52. I have known my Myers-Briggs Type Indicator for a very long time, and this new test simply verified it. In my high school years I was set up to do one throughout the year for a class without being told that my homework was going toward it, and doing it as a blind study in the helped eliminate any volunteer bias.

    So with that in mind, I've embraced my MBTI considerably. I know I am an introvert, and know that I cannot lead a career where I am teaching groups of people on a daily basis--it would burn me out very easily. I prefer expending my time and energy towards the well-being of one person at a time, which leads me to my ultimate career goals. The sensing and feeling parts of my MBTI also refer strongly to my hobbies, and my dealings with my friends.

    We all know that online quizzes like such can be inaccurate, but keep a longitudinal study of your MBTI results and take a look at them over time--you may be surprised with what changes and what stays the same.

  53. I don't really agree with my personality test because the results say that I have only a slightly judging personality but I feel like I judge a lot of things more than I should a lot of the time. I don't believe this test fully describes my personality but it was definitely interesting to take. One of the career choices that fits me was something in health care and that's definitely true. I do wish to pursue a career in health care.

  54. I'm slightly expressed extravert, slightly expressed sensing personality,slightly expressed thinking personality, moderately expressed judging personality.
    From the result, it is quite accurate. I dont like to think of my life, my future, I just want to do well in my current job. I'm very judging. I should judge everything which I need to do, and what happen in the future. For example, making friends, I would not make friends who are not good, like always have fun, not study. I think they may affect my life, so I have to make "good friend"

  55. I think the test is moderately accurate about describing one's personality, and the career options that it came up with were things that I have considered. However, I think that this test possibly be inaccurate - when you are knowingly participating in a test about yourself, you are bringing your own perception about yourself to the test. Hence, your results may be biased to your own opinion about yourself - it would be important to be honest about yourself. Furthermore, I think that everyone's personality is quite complex - therefore, the Jung-Myers-Briggs test may not be able to capture every fact of an individuals personality. In general, I think that this test is a good general indicator of one's personality.

  56. I think this personality test is good because it shows the personality by asking some daily movements, after that, Extraverted Intuitive Thinking Judging four different academic results are coming out and shows the personality of yourself. I think when people feel bored they can do the test like this, it is quite interesting. Psychology is coming from daily life but higher than daily life, I agree with that.

  57. I found that the personality description was fairly accurate as I am outgoing and love to help others. However, I found the career advice was not very useful because the program did not ask me any questions about my interests. It recommended health care for me, but I know I have not interest in being part of the health care field. So, even though I have a personality suited to a particular career does not mean that my interests line up with it.

  58. The results from this test are consistent with tests that I have taken in the past. I like that it represents me, as I see myself in both my personal and work life. As well, I'm glad that my personality is in line with my career goals (for the most part). For the test itself, I found the yes/no answers to be an ineffective measure for the questions. When doing these, I would prefer having a "sometimes" or "often" option included because of the complexity of people and situations.

  59. I agree and disagree with aspects of this test. I feel that the black and white answers to the questions (either answering yes or no) may have changed my outcome and made it less accurate compared to taking a test where there are middle options to select besides just yes or no. There were some questions that I couldn't just answer yes or no about. I do think this test can be fairly accurate however and can be useful for helping people understand aspects of their personality better, and maybe help them to understand what kind of jobs they may be best suited for based on the results of the test.

  60. This test worked really well for me. I have taken other personality tests before and this one seems to be a pretty accurate one. I agree with the results that I am quite extroverted and tend to judge easily. Also I found it interesting that out of all the jobs it listed for me as matches I have thought about almost all of them (except the military) as potential careers for myself. The second highest one listed was education and since that is the faculty I'm in, that was nice to see! Even if these types of tests aren't 100% accurate they are always fun to look at and reflect on!

  61. I definitely agree with the test's evaluation of my personality type. It was pretty accurate for only 72 yes or no questions. I don't think that the results were transferred accurately into career suggestions though. Not a single one of the suggestions was interesting to me and some, like accountant and stock broker, were just about the last jobs I would ever pursue.
    I think tests like this are most useful for high school students that have no idea what to do after graduation. Even if many of the suggestions are definite "no's", the list can often spark thought and interest students in fields to research further.

  62. My test results were very accurate. The jobs it matched me with were jobs that I have considered but nothing in the field i am currently in. I found as I was answering the questions though that my answers would be very dependent on the specific situation and depending on that situation I would act in very different ways. Although, I think the test results are a good and accurate guideline to guide or steer you to a certain field.

  63. I think my the result of my test is not very accurate. It says I'm introvert and feeling personality (ISFJ). It also says my job career is to be involved in education and counseling. But for me, I'm really don't want to have a job in these field. In my opinion, this test can only reflect a part of my personality, it can gives us some suggestions but the final decision must be decided by ourselves.

  64. The test says my type is ISFJ which is Introverted, Sensing, Feeling and Judging. Yeap, I am very introverted, I am not a good communicator, so doing well in ALES 204 may be a challenge for me. In order to make myself more confident to talk with others, I joined in the CSL project, and I'm better.
    I mostly agree with the result. I thought I may get a result which was not very accurate, since I was confused by some similar questions.
    One of my indicated career is social work, but I'm introverted, how can I figure it out?? Or, I should do this kind of job to practice myself...?
    However, it's just a online test, we can know more about ourselves by doing this test, but we cannot ensure our personality.

  65. This personality test provides a good indication of your interests and relates them to careers that fit with that. While they are helpful for giving a general direction, the results should also be taken with a grain of salt because the questions were set up in a way prone to inaccuracies; instead of providing a scale, the only choices were clear-cut YES or NO. This may be a problem for individuals who value both choices in the question (eg. big picture vs. small details). My top result was a career in education, which I find quite appealing, but it left out my interests in science and health. Overall, the personality test can be a useful guide, but it is not thorough enough to provide accurate suggestions.

  66. I think the test was a fair estimate of my personality type. A number of the qualities listed for the ESTP personality type were accurate, although some parts were pretty far from the mark. I feel like it was surprisingly accurate considering the test took all of 5 minutes to do. With regards to the job suggestions, I can see some that I could do well, however I have almost no interest in them. Because the test was lacking any elements dealing with personal interests this is understandable. I think it was very interesting to see the personality results, and overall fairly accurate, but as an indication of future career paths I would say it is limited, as your personal strengths are not necessarily reflective of your interests and passions.

  67. With thjs being the first personality test i have ever taken, I was surprised to see that the personality test is similar to how I view myself. I tend to be reserved, keeping my emotions to myself. I like to think before I speak and act depending on how I perceive the people around me to be. I also believe I am good at judging emotions around me and I don't usually open myself up until I feel comftorable with people around me; I find working in smaller groups much easier than In a large group. The personality test noted that I was introverted, judge emotions around me, and think a lot (although that doesn't mean I'm smart =) )and also had a sensing personlity, although I'm not too sure what that means! I am almost certain though that my results will change depending the time of day, the mood I am in, and the most recent activities I have done. I'd be interested to know if this is consistent with other personality tests.

  68. I found that some questions inthis personality test were very vague and did not necessarily applied to myself which might have affected my score. overall I found it accurate enough. I received the EFSJ score. The career options it gave me were nursing, social work, education, management and marketing. The marketingoption could be an future career perspective if I stay in nutrition and food science. I am disappointed for it did not give me the option of a career in related in nutrition or fitness which is what I really want to go into, so it feels like this test is not very accurate according to my personality.

  69. My personality test seems fairly accurate I am INFJ. However I do not believe in solely a yes or no answer; as each situation relinquishes a person to critically analyze and make decision or judgement based on that particular situation. One job I really do not think fits with my personality is a librarian. I am very much hands on and I like high energy, fast passed work, so I think a job should mirror that aspect of my personality. These tests are fun to do at times, however I will not allow a stereotypical, human developed questionnaire categorize me and effect my future decisions.

  70. I'm very skeptical of these kinds of tests online. Simply because there are many factors that can influence a persons' answer at a given moment, and thus such results should not be so iron clad. According to the results of my test, I am very judgmental with very little feeling which I feel is quite inaccurate. The careers that have been presented to me after the test, such as administration work or computer programming, felt even more off to me as I have already very firmly decided and know that I do not want a job that involves me sitting behind a desk.

  71. I would somewhat agree with the results in the personality test. According to the test, I am the ESFP type. I slightly express extravert, slightly express sensing personality, moderately express feeling personality and slightly express perceiving personality. It defines me as someone that loves people, excitement, telling stories, and having fun. According to the test, I also like to talk to people and tend to jump from thought to thought in mid-sentence, touching here or there, which are things that my friends frequently tell me. However, like horoscopes, I find the test to be too general. With only 2 possible answers per question, and 72 questions, it's bound to be correct in some aspects.

    In terms of suitable jobs for my personality type, I find the test to be quite accurate. It suggests jobs that involve customer service, social services, and management for me. In the past, I've definitely considered these fields of study. However, I think people should use this test to determine whether they enjoy working with people or not, and not to use it to determine their career choice.

  72. I perceived the results that my presonality test has concluded.I agree on a couple of points about my personality while I also disagree.As a nutritionist I must be very thoughtful of other people's feeling and not very judgmental.The personality test taken suggests that I am very judgmental.It may be that in different situations in life a person's personality changes depending on what circumstances would result from one's actions.The career indicator suggested some careers like buisness managment,and working as a lawyer would suit my personality.I believe I do not suit those career and would never consider.Lastly I agreee that I am extraverted,I am a more realistic person and base my decisions on reasoning rather than using my feelings as a basis for my choices.This personality test may be of high value to some buisnesses to evaluate others but it truely does not express our personality thoroughly.

  73. My personality test described my characteristics perfectly, with a moderately extraverted, feeling, sensing, and judging personality type. Due to my sympathetic providing nature, some of my suggested careers were in nursing, education, and social work. My "moderate extravert" results gave me suggestions which were all in work positions surrounded by people, such as management, public administration, and marketing positions. This illustrates my personality, as I feel as if any job in a social setting doesn't truly feel like work. If you do what you love, you'll never work a day in your life.

    D. Kiersey described my personality type as a Provider - the type of person who is determined to nuture the health and welfare of others. This was a huge factor in why I chose to study the field of Nutrition. I am very interested in working towards helping others achieve wellness, through the implementation of a nutritious diet. By altering how we eat, we can boost our immune systems while lowering the long-term risk of illness and disease. Providers are also well-aware of the feelings of others, and I've noticed that I am a very observant person, always trying to understand feelings of others in various situations.

  74. To some extent, I agree with the results. And actually I hope the results are true for me because they agree with the things I want to do. But I do feel that some answers I chose depend on what I was thinking at the moment, but cannot reflect what it really is. Overall, I don't think it is very accurate and the description was too broad. It can apply to many distinct career fields, so cannot be used to decide a specific career. I think it is only useful to obtain a general idea about what one might like to do.

  75. The results from this test say that my personality type is ESFJ. I definitely agree that I have an extraverted personality. However it also said that I'm judging. I think I can be but I'm probably biased and maybe this will help open my eyes and maybe I will be able to be more conscious of when I do judge. I think personality tests can be somewhat valuable in helping people choose careers, but maybe of greater value and more beneficial in the long run is finding something that you are passionate about and love and would be for free (but get paid to do!).

  76. I have taken this personality test before, and had the same result: INFJ. I agree that I am an introverted person, as I need to be by myself in order to recharge my batteries. I scored very high in the Feeling section, at 60%. I do feel that I do rely on my emotions a lot, although I am careful not to let my feelings cloud my judgement. Some of the careers they suggested were social worker, counsellor, and working in childhood education. I do agree that these are careers that I may consider pursuing, or would potentially suit me. While I believe these personality tests can be useful in determining what type of person you are and what career you should consider, but they will always have limitations. You should use these tests as a reference for what you might consider, not as the sole reason you choose a career.

  77. Hello all,

    I had my mom complete the test for me, and the results were close, but not exact. My highest scored and lowest scored categories were the same in both tests! The only changes were between the two middle scoring categories (my mom made me less judging and more intuitive than I had scored myself). I was not surprised that the highest category remained the same - being introverted is very consistent in my personality. I was however surprised by how different the potential career opportunities changed with the slight changes in personality. None of my potential career interests were listed when my mom did it, whereas some were when I scored myself. Either I know myself better than my mom does, or I am choosing the wrong career path!

  78. I've taken this personality test before out of my own curiosity and the results haven't changed: INTJ. I suppose I do agree with the results, even if only because I do enjoy the idea of being a mastermind. Like Alyssa commented earlier, this is very prone to bias. I do like the idea that I have the ability to be objective about myself but, of course, that might just be what I want myself to be as opposed to who I actually am.

    I don't think that this test is all that helpful. The careers that were indicated for me all had a solitary kind of nature to them, which I assume was the result of me being an introvert. From this, I would think that there is a huge flaw; being an introvert alone doesn't make a person dislike or be unable to communicate with others. I personally do not have an issue speaking to and associating with other people; I just prefer quiet time.

    This could be valuable for people who don't really have an idea of what they want in terms of a career. I find that it's most valuable as a self evaluation tool to get yourself thinking about what kind of person you are rather than a career indicator because I already know what kind of career I want.

  79. The Jung personality test categorized me as ENTJ. For the most part that seems fairly correct I do see my self as intuitive and extraverted. I take lots of interest in the care of others; that is also what makes me a good fit for the caring jobs of the health care industry. I really did not feel like the careers of interest that the test selected for me were correct at all. My best fits were in finance, politics and business management. Those really do not interest me at all and I am in nutrition and food science currently! Furthermore, if the yes and no questions were turned into a scale of 4 points or something there would be a lot more accuracy in the scoring.

  80. I found the Jung Personality Test to be accurate in some instances, as well as inaccurate in others. The test categorized me as ESTJ. I can somewhat agree with these results as I tend to be more extraverted than intraverted. But the careers that it said best suit my category of personality type do not fit my own personality at all. Construction, engineering nor accounting suit my career goals as I am artistic and wish to be a part of the fashion world.

    I did not find this personality test to be useful at all. As Erin mentioned above, it would have been better if the test used a 4 or more point scale in order to turn out more accurate results. In addition, I did not find the questions to be one's that would determine the kind of personality type I am. They were all somewhat similar in subject area and did not explore the many different areas of potential personality types that there are in many societies.

  81. I'm not exactly sure what to think about the results of this test today. It told me that I'm extraverted and judgemental, only slightly thinking and slightly sensing. Although I tried to answer the questions thoughtfully, I found that the were a bit confusing and definitely didn't give an accurate portrayal of who I am. I like doing personality tests and believe that there are far better ones out there. I do like the idea of matching your personality with your job especially in the health care industry.

  82. I found the Jung Personality Test to be quite interesting. After answering all the questions, I was told that I have the ENFJ personality type. The results were high in the feelings and judging areas, and quite low in the extraverted and intuitive areas. There are aspects of these test results that I agree with. I have always gone with my gut when making decisions and follow my feelings very closely. However, I expected the points for judging to be lower and intuitive to be higher. This just shows that how an individual perceives themselves, may not be entirely true. Or because it is very generalized test there are flaws in tabulating the results.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. I belong to the INFJ personality type with "distinctively expressed feeling personality" and "moderately expressed judging personality". I totally agree with the results! Yet, I doubted it when I was doing the test. Some questions seem repetitive and ambiguous. For some of the answer, I can choose either one depending on the situation. Thus, I did not really have faith in the results. However, surprisingly, the results describe me. I follow my feelings and what my heart tells me to do most of the time, rather than thinking logically unless it is required. And that matches with the result. The top career in health care suggested is early childhood education. That, in fact, is my dream career. Although I am not currently taking any education related courses, with a nutrition degree, I am still hoping that I can specialize in children and pregnant women nutrition health care. This test serves as a good guideline or starting point. I would recommend it to people who are still unsure about their future. However, we are the only ones who know ourselves the best. This test can not be an absolute statement.

  84. I found the personality test was fairly general and got the outline of your personality. Though the two flaws I see were its not deep enough72 questions isn't enough and people also lie in those. The other point is we might have different opinions of ourselves than what other people view us as. Overall it was fun to take the test, it got pretty close to my personality.

  85. My personality test is mostly accurate. I have the ISTJ type which says I am 'distinctively expressed introvert'and 'slightly expressed sensing personality ' and I agree with that. I prefer to be alone and do not want to stand in the center of the conservation. But for the Thinking and Judging personality, I have opposite opinions. Actually, these two area are only 1%, so it is hard to recognize I have these two personality.
    I found the career recommendations is very useful. Based on my personality type, it shows me the suitable occupation for me is in management area which gives me a great suggestion and helps me to set up my future plan.
    Overall, it is a really funny test and it shows me a new way to understand myself.

  86. My personality test resulted in EFSJ which is very accurate for me. I know I try not to be too judgemental in my everyday life but I know I hold how I conduct my life up to a set of standards, and this definetly came across in my test results. Although it said a good career choice was restaraunt management, which I do not agree with at all. But it was only 72 questions so I won't take it personally :)

  87. I thought the personality test was general and it resulted in a good outline of my personality. The personality career indicators said administration would be a good choice, which I disagree with, however it also said social work, nursing and education, which I do kind of agree with. With only 72 questions, I think it is hard to get deep enough, however I thought it was interesting and provided an accurate outline of myself. If anything, it was fun to do!

  88. My personality type is ESFJ. According to the introduction, I am a kind person who like to help people and enjoy being need by people. Generally I think the introduction is quite accurate for me. The recommendation for me about job is very interesting and I really found that was useful. The text suggest me to take jobs dealing with people, such as hotel management or nurse. In the future time I will pay attention to the personality advice for my job hunting.

  89. On the personality test, I received personality type ISFJ. I disagree with my "diagnosis," one may call it, especially with the statement regarding me as "very expressed judgmental." Some of the career recommendations seem interesting, while others, I would have never thought of doing, such as radiologic technician and engineer. It's interesting to see what other options I could be suitable to do even though I think that this survey is inaccurate. With the survey answers being strictly yes or no, there would be no way to be in between by choosing one extreme versus another, so I expected to receive a result which deviated from myself.

  90. I find these results to be very, very interesting. Some career recommendations are management in business, politics, law, and engineering. I am obviously in the faculty of ALES, but a recent, strong interest I have found in politics and economics has completely thrown me off my game. I ponder as to whether or not I am in the right place. The personality test was quite accurate for me, extraverted=11, Intuitive=50, Thinking=12, Judging=56. This was a good but slightly unnerving personality test in regards to what I think my future career holds.

  91. I have done a few of these personality tests before, including having to do one on paper for an employer. I find that I am consistent in the results that I get from these tests, however, I feel like they do not exactly express your personality in all aspects. They are definitely close, but are not always accurate in detail. Sometimes, given the situation, I feel like at the time your choice of answer may be influenced. For example, in writing this test for an employer I thought twice about a few answers before I answered. This is one disadvantage to this type of test. But in all, I think that the general description of the personality an the job ideas are quite consistent and similar to what I, and others would describe to be my personality, and jobs of interest.

  92. I thought the personality test was quite accurate to me. The only thing I was surprised with was the quality of assessment the test can provide with a short survey. It is amazing which personality traits some people strongly possess, while others may have the exact opposite personality.

  93. The personality test results was not accurate to me. I rarely take these sort of tests as i see them as culturally bias and does not give a true refection of self.i am not sure why some potential employers chose to have these personality tests.

  94. I can't say the personality test is an accurate reflection of the person I am. I think it is just too specific of questions to gain a wider understanding of a person. Numerous times I found myself questioning my answers, as I don't think I am always on-time to appointments although I like to be. I found the questions hard to answer at times. The survey is not extensive enough in the content and amount of questions to generate a personality type. Hopefully, no future employer of mine utilizes such tests because it would not be a true reflection.

  95. The personality test was actually pretty accurate in relation to me in real life. I have done these types of tests before and they seem to usually be pretty accurate. It obviously is a large generalization of the type of person I am as I have more than just 4 dimensions to my personality and behaviours. I think they are good at getting an idea of how a person reacts to situations and reasoning for their behaviours. I wouldn't ever base the results on the test as a determination on whether they should be hired or "who they truly are". I think its a good mechanism to use though as an employer in understanding the best way to communicate with an individual because we are all different.

  96. This personality test I found to be fairly accurate from the standpoint of my personality as a whole. I however do not completely agree with the career suggestions it produced. I tend to avoid doing these types of personality tests because I feel like over time I begin to remember how the answers should go in order to get the same result. They give a very rough idea of what type of person you are so I am not completely opposed to future employers using them to get an idea of who I am, but I do not think they should use them as the only determining factor when hiring someone. I found this test about 15 questions too long- by the time I got to about #55 I was done and ready for the results and some of the questions seemed very repetitive and similar. All in all it was very interesting to see just how my personality is proportioned.
