Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Lecture 10: Public Speaking Continued

After our last class I have seen an improvement in your tweets, comments and e-mails. Good work everyone - you're showing how you engage with class content (lectures and readings) and analyse your opinions.

Also, a few students have shared some interesting class-related pecha kucha's and speeches. I encourage you to let me know of any interesting conferences, talks, papers, presentations, books, etc... and I will post them here on the blog for all of us to read.

One example is from @AlanaSoderberg who tweeted about a speech on sustainability in the textile industry. Here is the Danish Minister of the Environment:

Also, Courtney Milford (@CourtMilford), [who you'll remember from Monday's class (she gave us a demo of her public speaking skills!) - arg! wrong! It was who gave us a great example of public speaking - apologies Chelsea and thanks again!] shared this link of a pecha kucha about the importance of signs. Something we'll be talking about in today's lecture (signposting in presentations):


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  2. Just a note for those of you who wish to practice their interview skills or public speaking. CAPS in SUB and HUB Mall has a service known as a mock interview. They will do a hypothetical interview with you, in an area that you wish to focus on. If you wish they can video taped the interview. Once the interview is over the interviewer will given you tips on areas that you are good at and areas in which you need improvement. Also they will provide you with a copy of the tape, so that you cam watch yourself and practice accordingly. Check it out; this service is very helpful before an interview to practice and build confidence.
