Please complete the following steps by the end of class (11:50am).
- Please review my lecture in which I outline some easy steps to follow in order to read an academic article (Lecture 18)
- Start a new google doc. Include your name and "Reading an Academic Paper" in the title
- Using google scholar OR the University databases, please choose an academic (i.e. peer-reviewed!) article on a topic of your choice (it might be related to your discipline or even our class!)
- Write the article information in APA style (noting author, journal, date etc...).
- Note the key words from the title and what you EXPECT the article to argue/explore etc...
- Follow the steps that I have outlined in chart form on slide 23 of Lecture 18
- In the google doc please note the key words associated with each reading step. For example, step 1 asks you to read the section headers. Make a note of the key words of each header.
- Work your way through the remainder of the steps, all the while noting the section (abstract, introduction etc...) and listing the key words
- Identify sign-posting in your article. Note the cause and effect words that I have suggested on slide 24 of my lecture powerpoint. How many are in your paper and where do they appear? Note this in your google doc.
- Identify more sign-posting. Note the additive words (as on slide 25 of lecture 18). How many are in your paper. What are some key instances? Note this in your google doc.
- Add a comment to this lecture post with your name and a link to your google doc. Don't forget to make your google doc available to anyone with the link OR you can just share it with me:
As usual, feel free to e-mail me or send me a tweet with any questions or requests for clarification.
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Image from Foreign Policy. |
I chose an article on Navicular disease in horses which was very interesting to me.
ReplyDeleteGoing through this step-by-step process really makes it easier to grasp the information and really understand it. I find myself more engaged with the material this way, rather than reading straight through in one shot. It helps to break it down and make it less overwhelming. However, I did at times find the jumping around in the sections to be a bit confusing. It will take practice to get out of my old article reading habits, but I will definitely implement some of these techniques in my future readings.
Here is the link to my assignment.
I chose an article that I had to read for another class, and I found that these tips were really helpful for understanding what the article was about. I did found that it took a lot longer to read the article by doing all these steps, but in the future I will definitely apply some of these steps in my readings - especially if I find the material I am reading to be dry.
ReplyDeleteHere is my google document:
Lina Hegberg, Reading and Academic Article Assignment
I look at an article geared toward helping parents and educators assess and educate their children on appropriate and safe use of social media.
Lina - I can't access your google doc.
DeleteSorry Jess, I just changed the settings.
I chose an article based on the affects of nutrition on obesity and colon cancer. Here is the link to my google document:
Bianca Cimino
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI read an article about the relationship between Internet communication and Depression, Loneliness, Self-Esteem, and Perceived Social Support
ReplyDeleteHere is the link to my google document:
Interesting choice of article Nian.
DeleteI decided to read an article about nutritional content of lunches. It was a study done in British schools but is still pertinent to my field of study!
erin hrycan
Interesting article! Did it mention the role of Jamie Oliver in helping to increase the quality of school lunches in British schools?
DeleteThe article I chose was about a study done examining the shelf life extension of cooked ham by means of hydrostatic pressure and natural preservatives. This was of interest to me since I am a food business management major. Shelf life is an important aspect from a business perspective since spoilage occurs less frequently thus reducing waste when sales turnover are lower than expected.
I chose a paper on choline intake and genetic polymorphisms on choline concentration in breast milk and plasma. I chose this paper because it is relevant to my research project.
I'm interested in the findings of your article!
DeleteI chose an article examining the difference in movement in stock-type horses with aluminum and steel shoes. I found this very interesting as it relates to both the field of study I am pursuing and what I do outside the classroom. I found it easier to read in the article this way. Although it did take longer to read the first time, with some practice it will help speed up the reading and understanding process.
I chose an article that explored the impact of health service environments in rural communities on Aboriginal people and Aboriginal health. This article interested me because it explores an area of limited research in the area of nutrition, which is my area of study.
The key words from your first paragraph as so interesting - almost poetic. Just reading those made me want to read your article in its entirety!
DeleteThe article I chose was about the effects of yoga on multiple sclerosis. This article was picked as my minor is in special education. These steps were great to keep me focused during the reading and pick out relevant information, making the document much less overwhelming.
Rheon Fisher
So Yoga is beneficial for all kinds of things.
DeleteI chose an article about how ß-alanine supplementation increases muscle carnosine and sports performance. This interested me because of my interest in sports nutrition.
What a difference between the number of cause and effect words and additive words.
DeleteI chose an article about studies of Postpartum depression and how it differs between the types of deliveries women opt for, as well as the age, gender, socioeconomic status etc of the women themselves. This article interested me because it catered to multiple fields in my studies.
Wow - I wonder what the finding that those who have caesarean births have a higher risk of PPD really means and how can healthcare providers help alleviate that?
DeleteHI, I chose the article from journal of food science which determines the extraction of protein from fresh and dessicated protein.The functionality of these protein structures are also compared with other proteins and their possible reactions under physiological conditions. this article was chosen because of my interest in food science.
The above link results in a 404 error?
DeleteI chose an article relating to cooperative and economic theory.
ReplyDeleteHere is the link to my Google document:
I chose an article on food consumption patterns of infants and toddlers. The article was of interest to me because my discipline is in nutrition.
ReplyDeleteHere is the link to my Google doc:
Link to Reading an Academic Article!
Caitlyn Erickson
I chose an article on exercise-induced gastritis in alaskan sled dogs. I chose this because I'm interested in veterinary pathology.
I chose an article on elderly abuse. I am doing a research paper on this topic so I was excited to see that I could further my use of it with another class.
I chose an article about Halal and Kosher foods.
Jacinta Lin
I chose a journal article about nutrtion, ecology and vegetarian diets. I am interested on the effects and affects of consuming a vegan diet.
I am Yuhan Jiang, and my article is about social median and teenagers.
Jenna Patterson
ReplyDeleteI chose an article on conservation opportunities and land ownership
I chose an article about the effects of beta glucan on monocytes in breast cancer patients.
Brenda Le
I chose to do an article focused on child development and the effect of their parent-child attachments on their development because it is one of my many interests (my minor is child and youth studies), so this fits in well with my program of studies.
I chose an article I am currently using for a NUFS paper. It is about coffee and the benefits and risks associated with it.
Brittany Stewart
The article I chose is about West Nile virus, a topic I am currently researching for a paper. It is helpful to do this exercise for this article because it provides me with purposeful reading, rather than the obediant purposelessness reading I am used to doing.
ReplyDeleteDocument Link:
Angela Zimmerman
ReplyDeleteI chose an article about children's understanding of psychological problems
Taylor Andersen
ReplyDeleteArticle is on tree growth and root carbohydrates
Hey, this is the link to my article analysis:
(an article about the function of and issues involving the Textile Monitoring Body (TMB))
Aislinn Chan
Kelsie Gilks
I found it very helpful to have an outline as to how to read through and academic article without getting bored or off track.
Here is the link to my assignment. I chose an article reviewing "One Health".
Erika Brown
ReplyDeletearticle: Bitter taste sensitivity in Neanderthals through the analysis of the TAS2R38 gene
I did an article on vitamin K and warfarin and their effect on INR.
ReplyDeleteI liked doing this however at the end of the day you will have to read the full article to really understand whats going on in it.
Becky Bohlender
I chose an article on feline genetic testing. Here's the link:
Here is the link
I'm Shannon Fox. I chose an article discussing how the historical Ballet Russes company served as an early 20th century connection between art and fashion.
ReplyDeleteHere's the link to my doc:
This is the link to my google doc
Sarah Dube
Heres my link
Nicole Luchanski
xuechan Yang
It is about illness and death related to food.
Article discussing the differences in muscle length in two different breeds of horses.
I chose an article discussing the link between dietary sodium and potassium with hypertension. Here is the link to my
ReplyDeleteThis is the link to my google Doc
I chose my article about social maketing
ReplyDeleteHere is my link
Hi Jess,
ReplyDeletethis is the link to my google doc:
Stacie Klimow
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHi Jess sorry this is a couple of minutes late, I had some internet issues.
ReplyDeleteArticle choice: Pecha Kucha
I read an article from the Journal of Animal Science on lactic acidosis and nutrition as a factors of equine laminitis
Here is the link to my google doc:
I chose to read an article about the effects of IGF and GH on beef steer BMR. It was interesting to see very few additive or sign words in my article.
Hilary Baker
Link to my google doc:
It is concerning the clothing colour preferences between girls and boys.
Carolina Amaral
ReplyDeleteThis is Alexander Bautista, and I apologize for being a couple minutes late. Here is the link to my document;
Thank you,
ReplyDeleteThis is Mark Lahoda, and I did an article on Flaxseed supplement and it's effects on sateity.
Hi! Here's my assignment- I chose an article which I had recently used for a lab report, concerning soil respiration and permafrost thawing.
- Rohanna Wong
ReplyDeleteThis is Yunke Xu. I chose an article from my biology class.
Here is my document, sos orry its a bit late!
Thanks! Jami
I chose an article about the study of heated milk tolerance in children.
ReplyDeleteSorry, I took me a long time to find the right article; that is why i did not get to submit it right at 11:50am.
Here is the Google doc link:
I chose an article comparing the storage of vitamin A in the liver between 3 species of animals.
ReplyDeleteIt is a little late so I apologize.
I chose an article about composting horse manure.
ReplyDeleteIt took me a while to find an appropriate article so I am sorry this is a little bit late.
Lauren Bradshaw
ReplyDeleteThis is the link to my google doc! I chose an article on the lethal white gene in horses as I find it very interesting that their coat colour is linked to something that determines their survival!
I chose to write on an article on if thermal processing affects the nutritional value by increasing antioxidant activity.
I chose this article about religious rules about food for Jews and Muslims.
ReplyDeleteMinmin Gao
Hi, I chose the article about Development of scales to measure dietary acculturation among Chinese-Americans and Chinese-Canadians.
The article I chose was about a study conducted to assess how useful Twitter was as a learning enhancement in a marketing course. It is not in my field of study but I chose it because its relevance to this class and to further illuminate the heavy use of Twitter and other social media in this class. Very interesting.
ReplyDeleteHere is the link to my Google document:
Here is my google document that talks about the prevalence of diabetes in the U.S.
I have found that keeping a collection of scientific papers on hand is very useful. The one I used for this assignmet is one that I had been using previously for a report I am currently writing. I got it off of Ualberta databases.
I chose an article on fetal nutrition and the effects it has on developing cardiovascular disease. I chose this topic as I am taking Nutrition and Food Studies and I am interested in how diet plays a role in lifestyle. Sorry this is a little late, I couldn't find a suitable article.
ReplyDeleteMy google docs is:
I chose an article about obesity and diabetes and how it affects the South Asian population.
The article I selected was based on the effects of self-efficacy and behavioural change on decreasing the risk factors for caradiovascular diseases.
The article I chose was on The Mental Health Needs of Out-of-School Adolescents and Young Adult.
ReplyDeleteI chose to read about eating disorders and how to treat using family systems
jess I emailed you earlier about the delay,
thank you,
I chose an article on parent-child ties following parental divorce:
Emily - I can't access your google doc.
DeleteThanks everyone for sharing your articles and your findings. Many of you have made some very interesting observations! I like how a few of you have linked your own experience to the argument in the article. For example, on student had experience with a type of horse disease and before reading the findings, made her own deduction based on her experience.
ReplyDeleteI would love to have made comments on your google docs but many of you kept the document as "view only." If you'd like me to add some comments, please feel free to give me access to editing/commenting and I'll add in my thoughts.
I understand this is a new method for almost all of you and some of you noted that it was difficult but, as some of you added, the more you do it the faster/better you'll be at picking out the pertinent information from an academic text.
I chose an article discussing the importance of not generalizing or extrapolating habitat or behaviours of a species, in specific to the article, a threatened species of toad found in Alberta.
Hi, I chose an article about open access movement in Cuban researchers, which can help me when I write the scientific essay. I think this article is good, because it introduced the open access movement and also give some researches and arguments about it. It is clearly to find details we are looking for in this article.
ReplyDeletehere is the link:
I chose an article about transmission of Chronic Wasting Disease in Elk being transmitted successfully to a Ferret population.
ReplyDeleteI had a feeling that this didn't send the first time....that enter button wins again!
Sorry if you received this twice or not at all :(
Hi everyone, I chose an article about the prevalence of West Nile Virus in birds in an urban setting.
I chose to read an article about using telerehabilitation methods to assess patients with Parkinson's disease.
ReplyDeleteHere is the link to the Google Doc:
I read an article on attitude towards same-sex marriage. Sorry this is so late, I had trouble because I only had my Ipad at school today (and I forgot to post my link when I got home)but here it is,
I read an article about cognitive analysis of children's mathematics problems.
ReplyDeleteHere is the link to the Google Doc:
I read an article about a topic I am currently doing some research on. It involves studying the expression of certain genes used by the immune system in cows to combat pathogens, called toll-like receptors.
ReplyDeleteHere is my Google Doc: