Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Science Article Assignment: Questions Answered

A number of students have come forward noting the differing information they have been receiving about the Science Article Assignment and how this new information does not correspond with the assignment I have given you. Let me clarify, PLEASE follow the assignment guidelines!

  1. Each option requires that you write your answer in a memo style. Even Option 4 if you are "translating" your academic paper into a more general paper - follow the memo style and include headings (for examples of headings see Option 1 which has a list) OR for Option 4 you might just be including a poster translation. Remember to SINGLE space your work BUT double space between headings.
  2. Have a look here for a great example of how a memo looks. NOTE this is just to give you an IDEA of how a memo looks. I am not asking you to follow all the ideas, but the basic structure is correct. You do NOT have to bold the first sentence (but you can if you prefer) AND see the last paragraph that talks about citation, it suggests to do what your professor asks...and that is to include an APA style reference list!
  3. Another question that has come up: students have asked whether they need to address all the prompter questions I have included in some of the Options. No, of course not. I have included lots to get you thinking. I am looking for a strong analysis of a few ideas (demonstrating your critical thinking) RATHER than a superficial summary of a lot of ideas.

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