Friday, March 23, 2012

Science Article Assignment: Clarification

Image from Duke University.
I have had several questions from students about the Science Article Assignment. Let me clarify a few things.

  • You only need to do ONE option, NOT all four!
  • All options are due on the same day at the same time: Friday, 30th of March at 17:00
  • You MUST e-mail your assignment to BOTH your TA and me.
  • Option 2 is a comparison so you MUST have both the online version and the PRINT version of the SAME journal
  • Option 4 is asking you to create a different version of a paper you ALREADY have written. You will EITHER create another paper written for a more general audience OR a poster. You will submit TWO items, your original academic paper AND a poster translation OR a more general and shorter paper.

You can read more about the assignment here. As always, please let me know if you have any further questions.


  1. Thank you for clarifying! I was told in lab for option 4 that we were supposed to submit both a short/general paper AND a poster, and that our original article was NOT needed!

  2. I was wondering with option 2. I can't find the journal I am doing 15-20 years ago on line I can only find the hard copy but the earlier one I can find online. Is that okay?
    -Becky Bohlender

  3. I thoroughly enjoyed doing the scientific article project! I chose to do option 2, and comparing the current version of a journal to older articles proved to be very interesting. Since I am very interested in history, this may be the reason why I found the assignment so intriguing. I liked how the assignment required me to go down to the library and check among all the stacks for the oldest version I could find of the journal I chose to do. It was cool to compare and contrast the journals from the 2 eras and see how writing has developed. I feel more knowledgable after this assignment!
