Sunday, January 8, 2012

Module 1: Introduction to Social Media & Science

On the first day of class you will have the pleasure of meeting Jim Bohun and/or Shannon Clark. They will be handing out the course syllabus and the e-portfolio assignment.

I shall meet you all on Wednesday, our second class, when we will have the company of our non-profit partners who will be working with our CSL students. Be ready to hear some interesting presentations and, if you're in CSL, you can start thinking about who you would like to be placed with.

The first week will focus on providing an overview of communication modes, assignments, and key terms such as new media, social media, convergence, interactivity, rss, blogs, microblogging…

Video: The Machine is Us/ing Us:

Lab – Module 1:
No Lab this week.


  1. Did anyone else feel lame that they don't send near 2000 texts in a month...? Just me eh. My name is Kelsey and I guess Im pretty prehistoric for reading actual books, calling people cause Im too lazy to text all the time, buying my first laptop in my third year (yesterday actually!!) and getting my little sister to explain "hash tagging" to me. I am addicted to my IPhone though....I read a statistic that says 33% of people would rather have no sex for a week then no phone. Not to sure if that is appropriate to say for this class....but just saying, lame.

    1. No matter how light and convenient Kindles might be, it just can`t beat the weight, feel and smell of a good old book in your hands :)

  2. Hi, my name is Carmen D. and I'm currently in my second year. I don't really use social media outside of facebook because facebook already covers my important needs of event planning and remembering birthdays. I've never really thought that twitter or blogging was for me but I have made accounts for both Twitter and Blogger, both with the same username.

    Hopefully I can get something about sharing things with the internet out of this class because that's definitely not something I do now (or really care to do).

  3. Hi, my name is Lauren Bradshaw and I'm a third year student currently in the Animal Health program through the Faculty of Agriculture. My career goal is to eventually become a veterinarian, but if that doesn't work out, I would be more than happy to just be in a career that allows me to still play a role in the animal health field. As I am sure you know, communication plays a huge role in the animal health field as you need to be able to be able to both asses the animal, and relay that information to the client in a relatable and understandable way.

  4. Hi all, my name is Samantha Stevens and I'm in my third year of Human Ecology (textiles and clothing). I currently use Facebook and email on a regular basis and I probably couldn't live without them. I used to have a tumblr but I deleted it as I was spending way too much time on it! I am also interested in exploring other forms of social media like Twitter :)

  5. Hey there. I'm Curtis Vieville, a third year Con Bio student. Just transferred to U of A from NAIT's Bio program. Things at University are very different from college.

    I would like to expand on Kelsey T's post on social tech. I personally like to keep things mostly old school. I like to use the expression "If you don't use it, you lose it." This can be applied to many things. But I would like to mention that if people use texting, email, tweeting, etc. exclusively the "art" of spoken language may be lost. At least over the phone, if there is such a thing.

    Today's topic though is how I use social media. I use websites like MySpace and Facebook to promote my band. This has been extremely useful for letting people know of upcoming shows, up to date progress on writing/recording, etc. Without digital media, it would be near impossible to develop a company, product or a band. Everyone is becoming almost completely dependent on the Interwebs. No Youtube, no Justin Bieber! How bout that!? People would still have to get famous off of children's TV shows like Mickey Mouse Club. The last few forms of physical advertising is posters and those little paper stubs. Lastly world of mouth, hopefully that never goes.


    1. CurtisV. I like your post and totally agree with you. I think i remeber you in class though. I sat behind you on Wednesday and we did introduce ourselves. I absolutely hate ''mobile devices'' and have not used a mobile phone since 2006.They are way too distracting and promotes idleness.Good luck on the course!

  6. HI my name is Loana Valdez. I am a second year Human Ecology student. My major is family ecology and I am minoring in child and youth studies. I use facebook, mostly because I get it for free on my phone. I just joined twitter because we had to follow Jess so I am in the process on learning how to use it. I use youtube on a regular basis to listen to music, post funny videos on my friend's wall, and to have fun. I'm excited to use this blog because I'm slowly finding out that my existing friend are also in the class with me!

  7. Hi my name is Julia Doell. I am in my second year at the University of Alberta and I am majoring in Nutrition.

    My experience with social media has strictly been the use of Facebook. I do sometimes look through other peoples blogs that I find interesting but only sometimes. I've never owned a twitter account so most of this is very new for me. I have mostly just used Facebook because it meets the needs of my life because of all that is included in it. However, I really do prefer to have face to face conversations but just watching the video's that have been posted who knows how long conventional communication will last.

  8. Hello! My name is Brenda Le, and I'm a second year student in Nutrition and Food Science. My career goal is to become a registered dietitian. I'm an avid user of Facebook and email, and I'm excited to learn more about social media!

    Come follow me on Twitter! (I have zero followers right now)!/_BrendaLe

  9. Hey! My name is Chelsea Livingstone and I am a third year Nutrition and Food Science major with a Physical Activity minor. I am a member of Kappa Alpha Theta women's fraternity, for which I currently hold the Director of Scholarship position. I also work for University of Alberta Athletics as a promotions and marketing team member as part of the "A-TEAM".

    My use of social media is quite in depth - I have a personal Facebook account which I use on a regular basis for communication with friends and family all across Canada. It helps me to organize events for U of A Athletics, as well as within the U of A's Greek Community. I also have a personal blog (tumblr) which I use to connect with people all across the world who have similar interests as me, and I have found it pretty amazing to be able to connect with other Thetas from across the United States and share stories about Greek Life with them! I have had a few different blogs before, but the one I currently use is tumblr. Other forms of social media that I frequent: email (personal account and my U of A account), Skype, YouTube (I don't have an account but I am on it almost everyday!), StumbleUpon, Pinterest, Wikipedia, Photobucket, as well as music/media sites such as, Pandora Radio and The Hype Machine. Before this class I did not have a Twitter account, and I am actually bummed I had to get one! It was something I was trying to avoid and a form of social media that I am not a fan of - maybe this class can change my opinion on it. I feel that social media is a great way to keep in contact with people you don't see on a regular basis, as well as a great form of personal expression (through blogs and hash tags!) I am looking forward to expanding my knowledge of all aspects of social media this term. Cheers!

  10. Hello, my name is Andria Carlyon and I am in my first year at the University of Alberta, second year of my program (Animal Science) and third year of university. I transferred from Grande Prairie Regional College this past fall.
    I have mainly used Facebook as a source of social media as most of my friends and family are on it and it is an easy way of being updated on their lives and to contact them. I also used Bebo for a year because I had a couple overseas friends on it, until they realized the greatness of Facebook and left Bebo to join Facebook.
    Twitter is a new experience for me and shall be interesting to see what people like to tweet about. Blogging is definitely a new frontier that I have never explored. I have only read one person's blog and never thought about doing one myself.
    Follow me too! @andi_carlyon

  11. Hello, My name is Omair Afzal, i m in my second year majoring in food and business management. this is the first time i m blogging or using twitter. So far i m excited to use twitter and have my own blog...lets see if i can keep up with this social media surge of ecitement. Everyone have fun n enjoy the class...

    Twitter pasha_omair

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Hi my name is Cassandra Holte and I am in my second year of university. I am in the Nutrition Major Program and hope to eventually become a registered dietitian.

    The only forms of social media I really use are facebook, email and youtube. My friends have been harassing me to sign up for twitter for months but I've been resisting because I already spend hours creeping people on facebook when I should be studying and doing other productive stuff. But now that I have to join twitter for this class I intend to waste all kinds of time on twitter, guilt-free!

    Follow me too please! @c_holte

  14. Hello everyone! My name is Tess Beaton, and I am in my 2nd year of university, 1st year here at the U of A. I am from the small-ish city of Kamloops in BC where I attended my first year of university doing general studies. I have come to the U of A for a BSc majoring in clothing and textiles and minoring in fashion merchandising, which I discovered through my best friend's cousin over the infamous social media site known as Facebook. I will admit I am a bit of a social media whore, pardon my french. I have had a Blackberry for several years now and made sure it had Facebook before I bought it. I use Facebook almost everyday as a way of communicating with my friends and family, as well as 'creeping' the occasional hottie's Facebook page. The way I see it, Facebook keeps you in the loop, and I would have a lot a spare time on my hands without it. As almost everyone else does I have a ualberta email account as well as a personal hotmail account and a very inactive youtube account. I recently joined the twitter chain about 6 months ago, although I don't tweet very often. I use it mostly to follow people I find to be comical. I haven't started a blog of my own, though sometimes when I need to vent or cool off I wish I had one. Not as a location to bitch about my problems but perhaps to state an opinion or explore a topic that intrigues me. For this reason I am excited that we will have to opportunity to create a blog in this class. I look forward to having at least one fun filled class this semester!

  15. Hey everyone, my name is Christy Czapski and I am in my fourth year of Agriculture, majoring in Animal Science. I was born in Calgary, and moved to Edmonton exclusively for University. This year, I am hoping to get into vet school, or to work in the area of animal nutrition. I'm very excited to graduate in April! In addition to academics, I am actively involved in several clubs on campus, including being the VP of the Pre-Vet/Animal Health Club. I also volunteer with the Little Bits Therapeutic Riding Association and with an equine vet in Wetaskiwin.

    This is my first time on an official blog and twitter. Before now, my use of social media has been limited to facebook. While I typically log into facebook daily to waste some time, I don't utilize it's features frequently. I think I have only updated my status four times in my life, and haven't posted any pictures in a long time. I can't seem to keep up with all the changes the designers keep making. I have no idea what the new "timeline" format is. Last year, I gave up facebook for Lent and found that I didn't miss it at all. Unfortunately, I consider myself to be "computer challenged", and I'm afraid that when I am 65 I'll be like one of those little old ladies who can't even figure out how to use the microwave. Therefore, I'm hoping this class can catch me up to speed on the latest social media methods, and help me be more open and enthusiastic about new media.

  16. Hi, my name is Susan Nielsen and I am in my second year of university. I am in the Human Ecology program, majoring in family studies and minoring in child and youth studies. As for my use of social media, I mostly just use Facebook to communicate with my friends and family, and learn about events that are happening. I did have a twitter account before this course started due to my friend pressuring me to get one for a very long time, but I had no idea how to use twitter so it was truly useless to me. I also have a tumblr account but I have only posted a total of ONE thing; so that is also pretty useless to me as well. Overall, I have tried a few different social media websites but I have found that they take up a lot of time. Although, I do use youtube quite often to search funny videos to share with friends, and search music or anything that seems entertaining. I am excited to actually learn how to use twitter and hopefully learn about more types of social media that will be fun and useful to me!

  17. My name is Deanna, I am in my second year of Human Ecology, Family Ecology major with Aging minor. My social media use is probably no different from anyone else in terms of the level of immersion, with Facebook and Twitter whether on my computer or my smartphone, Photobucket, Grooveshark, Skype and the like. I had just upgraded to a smartphone in the early summer last year and the difference between before and after was very impressive with how seamless, not to mention less time consuming, my communications with others became.

    I am looking forward to learning more about the social media world in ALES 204. :)

  18. Hello, my name is Rheon Fisher. I am in my second year of combined human ecology and bachelor of education. This is my first year at the University of Alberta however as I am a transfer student from Mount Royal University. The main forms of social media I use are Facebook, YouTube and Skype which makes this my first time using Twitter and any form of blogging. It will be very interesting to learn how to use these various forms of social media as I am not the most computer savy person out there. I look forward to expanding my knowledge around the various forms of communication available.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. My name is Lynda Forsyth and I am in my second year of the Animal Health program with a major in Food Animals. In terms of social media usage, I primarily use facebook to keep in contact with friends and to share group photos from various trips and events. I have also recently begun to use Skype to keep in contact with friends studying at different universities. I have never used Twitter before and as I have always though of it as a website only used by teenagers, I am curious to see how we will use Twitter in this class.

  20. Hi, my name is Darcy Bemister, and I'm in first year Animal Science. I don't use Facebook anymore, but a few days ago I got bored and made a Tumblr page... There is a lot of entertaining stuff to look at lol. I am also new to using Twitter.

    In my disgruntled mind: social media has no place in the professional world, and is currently used for it's convenience as the world gets dumber and fatter :)... Who needs to remember your best friend's birthday when FB tells ya? Or why use your vocal chords and call a friend when you can chat with him, and 14 other people at the same time? I have yet to see a Veterinarian pull out his phone and tweet "1 of 40 sutures done". I'm only familiar with status updates informing the world of someone's "awesome, amazing boyfriend" or how their life is so amazing and perfect...

    I'm interested to see if this class will change my ignorance towards social media.
    Follow me @50ml_peng

    Bash the shit out of me on twitter if you like :) I love a good social media flame war.

  21. Hey my name is Pierre and I am in my second year of the Forest Management program. The main form of social media that I tend to use is Facebook which, thanks to my smartphone, I check rather frequently throughout the day. Other social medias that I use but on a far less frequent basis are Youtube and sometimes Skype. Other then that I have not really used many forms of social media. I am hoping that this class will introduce me to new social medias, such as twitter and blogs, and that I will be able to add these new tools into my digital toolbox.

  22. Hi! My name is Erika Brown. I am in my third year in the Nutrition and Food Science Major and am working towards becoming a registered dietitian. I transferred here from Vancouver Island University and absolutely love it here in Edmonton. I use facebook, youtube and e-mail all the time and definitely couldn't live without my iphone. Other than that, I think my use of social media is pretty limited. I'd much rather be out and active instead of sitting at home on my computer so I guess I've kind of been fighting this whole social media thing a bit. I know I need to keep up with technology and I'm relieved to have this course to walk me through it. Hopefully by the end of this semester I won't feel so out of touch with the whole social media world :)

  23. Hello, I am Tanya Tompolski and I am in my 3rd year in the NUFS program with a minor in physical activity. It is my second year at the U of A. I did a year at Grant MacEwan before taking a year off to travel. I found during my travels and now that I am home the best way for me to stay in contact with family and friends is/was Facebook and Skype. It was so awesome to be able to be connected with people back home so easily. Thanks to iPhones, I was able to connect to free wifi at McDonalds' and catch up! I have not jumped on the Twitter bandwagon yet...I don't really understand the point of it...but maybe this class will change my opinion, and i'll become a Twitter addict like tons of friends.

  24. Hi! My name is Yinglin Huang. I am in second year nutrition. Speaking of social media, I use facebook and kakaotalk the most often. So far, I have not yet met any peers who do not have facebook. It is the most famous and wide-world social network that I have known of. Since facebook and youtube are both blocked in China (besides HongKong and Macau ), some Chinese entrepreneurs created another social network that is really similar to the facebook we have, which is called “renren” ( . Facebook is like a drug to teens and people around my age, you get addicted to it easily. I check my facebook almost every day to see what my friends are up to and also to keep in touch which my old friends who are studying in different countries. Kakaotalk on the other hand, is a smart phone application for free wifi/3G text-messaging, group chatting, and exchanging pictures and videos. Kakaotalk has similar popularity as facebook among Koreans. Until now, I have not yet met any Koreans who own a smart phone but do not have kakaotalk. Nowadays, a lot of non-korean people use it as well, including me. I am not a twitter or blog fan; however, I created a blog back in grade 10 because my friends were all using it. I was so excited about it and tried to update my blog every half of a day. Unfortunately, this passion only lasted for about 5 days; and after that, I never used it again. Now, I do not even remember my username and password, not even the name of the blog webpage. Same thing happened when I tried to write dairy every day. I envy those people who have blogs and keep their blogs updated once in a while. It will be fun reading over all the past posts and realizing how much they have grown up.

  25. Hi Im Erin Amundson and Im in my second year at the UofA but my first year in human ecology program. I am not largely part of the social media movement. The only thing I use is really facebook (until this class, now twitter too). Ive only ever used it moderatly and normally its to keep up with friends and family that I may not get to see regularly. Mostly I find facebook my new way of catching up on current events, mostly the weather instead of watching the news. I find it to be a new way to learn whats going and even more a way to get an individuals opinion on each news story. I have a love/hate relationship with social media but like almost anyone else I somehow can't seem to distance myself from it.

  26. Hi ALES 204, my name is Pharyne Hrywkiw. Currently I am in my third year at the University of Alberta. I am majoring in Nutrition & Food Science and minoring in Physical Activity. My hope is to eventually work with children and/or young adults in the area of sports nutrition. In regards to social media, it has become a huge part of my daily life. I have had Facebook since high school and recently joined Twitter last year. Having both communication forms on my phone makes it very easy to constantly check and update my profiles. Facebook is a great outlet to stay connected with family members, post my pictures, and chat with friends. However, lately I have become a huge fan of Twitter. I love following celebrities, athletes, and being immediately updated on breaking news. I look forward to learning more about different forms of social media (such as blogs and Flickr) in ALES 204 this term.

  27. Hi I'm Stacie Klimow. I'm in my second year of Nutrition and Food Science and working towards becoming a registered dietitian. The main form of social media that I use is Facebook. In the last couple years, I feel that I have gradually increased my use of Facebook to the point where I am checking my news feed every time I open my laptop.

    Last semester, I had a prof doing a Facebook pilot project where he created a Facebook group for students to access his notes, ask questions and create discussions amongst themselves. I found the group to be helpful because when someone asked a question everyone was able to see the prof's answer and students were even able to answer other students' questions. But at the same time, because I was used to checking it so frequently, that class only enhanced my growing addiction to Facebook!

    I am excited to try out other forms of social media in ALES 204, but am also worried that my "technologically-challengedness" could be a problem...

  28. Hello! I'm Laura McSporran and in my second year of Clothing and Textiles with a minor in Interior Design, which is where my main interest lies. Like most of us, the social media form i use the most is Facebook. I actually hadn't joined Twitter until today, but I have read different people's tweets, just without tweeting myself. I'm not really sure why I never registered myself but given the opportunity with this class, I'm looking forward to finding out why it's so popular! I have also been looking at a few tumblr accounts lately since I have a bit of an interest in photography and the images inspire me and get my mind off of stressful things in life. I used to have a Blackberry but switched to an iPhone at the beginning of the school year and definitely don't regret it. Facetime is definitely one of my new favorite things, especially for someone who's boyfriend lives in California..haha. I also follow a "famous" Swedish blogger quite often and always thought it would be fun to start one of my own but never really thought my life would be interesting enough to blog about everyday! Looking forward to this unique way of interacting with my classmates and Jess.

  29. Hey I'm Nicole Luchanski and I'm a third year Forestry student. I use facebook to talk to my friends and hear about the occasional event. I don't have a smartphone and the only time I find myself wanting one is when I need to check for an important email and I can't get to a computer. I like using youtube to watch clips from TV shows and listen to music. I don't think checking facebook, twitter, and blogs all the time is a very good use of time but the one thing I will say for social media is that it's free; free for the users and free advertising for companies and other groups. My baseball team currently uses a facebook page to track and record our team running times and to post links to workouts and other videos.

  30. Hi there! My name is Pauline Nguyen. I am a second year student in the Nutrition major, physical activity minor. First year at U of A, after transferring from U of C, and so far, loving it! I plan on making the world a better place through healthy diet and exercise! I enjoy the use of social media to keep in touch with my family and friends back home, through showing pictures, instant messaging etc. I enjoy social media as it is free and very accessible. I am not crazy about the thought of sharing private details of my life, which is why I never taken the initiative to join Twitter until know. However, I find facebook to be very convenient in keeping in touch with others, and with a smartphone, it makes it that much easier.
    I had a professor create a closed group for Organic Chem. on Facebook last semester. It was a great interactive tool between students, and primarily the reason why I passed the course.
    Follow me at @nguyen_pauline
    Look forward to meeting you all!

  31. Yep, I already had a twitter account..
    Follow me @lindzo!

    Anyways, I'm Lindsay Gervais and I'm in my second year majoring in NUFS with a Phys Ed minor. My goal is a sports nutrition related career, but honestly I'm game for anything as long as I'm surrounded by people. I have a love/hate relationship with social media, because I feel as if it connects people who are separated geographically, but also deteriorates the face-to-face communication skills we should be developing during this point in our lives. Needless to say, the pros of social media definitely outweigh the cons. This will be an interesting class for sure!

  32. Hi, my name is Lina Hegberg, I am in my second year of university in the Faculty of ALES, with the goal of majoring in nutrition, ultimately to work to become a Registered Dietician.
    For a bit of time, I was a blackberry person, it wasn't long (Early September 2011) I became aquainted with my iPhone, my life, my world, my everything. I use facebook to connect with old friends and update others about my life, and the crazy things I've been keeping myself busy with.
    On the notes area of my facebook, I began writing a short piece about my life as a first year undergrad student, it interested people and helped me sort my feelings out,I hve only added one more piece to my facebook "blog" but I am excited to create my own blog and have the incentive to constantly write aboutmy past actions, and current thoughts, and ideas about the future. Having an audience to read that and to pick up something useful.

    I use twitter, quite recently actually, as of December 22, 2011, and I love the endless amount of interactions I can make with people, near or far, or people I don't even personally know.
    Social Media has given me an outlet for my endless thoughts, and an endless supply of other peoples thoughts that enligten and entertain.
    Follow @ellesheepy

  33. Hi there! My name is Michelle Leung, I am a second year currently doing my undergrad in order to apply to hopefully get into veterinary school. My major is currently the Pre-Veterinarian, however I am looking into switching into the Companion and Performance Animals Major.

    I am a slave to social media, as I often find myself unconsciously clicking on my Facebook bookmark whenever I find myself having nothing to do. It get's even worst, as my I-Phone enhances my ability to access my Facebook and like whatever comments on the news feed that pleases me. I'm not very much into Twitter however, as I only made my account to view Tennis scores and Lister Dodgeball News. Although previously I was an avid forum poster, calgaryplanet lover (before they revamped the page), nexopia fan, and livejournal fan in my junior high angst years. However, facebook will remain my true lover (along with texting) as I love how I can check up on all my friends from high school even though we live in different cities now. Stay connected with my cousins in Singapore. And stay updated with different fan pages. The amount I spend on Facebook is however incomparable to the amount of time I spend on my phone texting whoever is available to text.
    Can't wait to meet you all. :)

  34. Hello All! My name is Annelee Daniel. I am in my third year in the Human Ecology Department studying Family Studies and Community Diversity. The only social media i currently use is Facebook and it helps to keep me in touch with friends and family all over the world. Beleive it or not i do not own a mobile hand set. The last time i used one was in 2006. So how do i connect with family and friends overseas besides using facebook?? Yes you guessed it the good ole land-line.I do not know how not having access to a mobile handset will affect me in this class but we will see. I am not into into all this ''mobile devices'' i find them rather distracting and very costly to maintain. In all i am still happy to be in this class.

  35. Hello! My name is Jacinta Lin and I am in my second year of Human Ecology (textiles and clothing) but hoping to switch into the nutrition field. *fingers crossed!
    The only social media I use actively is facebook. I signed up for twitter a few months before this semester but I still have no idea how to really use it. I think the reason why I don't use anything else other than facebook is because I was so highly addicted to it when it first came out and I spent more time on it than anything else. I like facebook because it keeps me in the loop of things with my family and friends but it's bad to me because it's the first thing I usually go to when I have free time or when I am bored. Also people will usually only post about the good things that are happening in their lives and it makes me jealous sometimes, like when I see people's nice vacation pictures =P.
    I'm pretty excited about the things we get to learn in this class but I really hope it doesn't make me addicted to another form of social media.

  36. Hey my name is Taylor Andersen and I am in my third year of Forestry. I use Facebook once in a while. I think social media is worthless to me in my professional career, and am disappointed to find out I need to use Twitter of all things as part of a required course.

  37. Hello everyone! My name is Danielle Lu. I am currently in my second year of Nutrition and Food Sciences, and I am hoping to get into the Nutrition program.

    Most often, I use Facebook above all else. I tried Twitter about a year ago, but I didn't really understand how to do anything else besides following, especially the hashtags! Facebook is a way for me to keep up with old friends and contact friends and family when e-mail is not convenient in sharing things like pictures. Although I like Facebook, I find it to be a HUGE distraction sometimes when I should be studying which is hard to avoid since I either have my laptop or my iTouch...
    I also tried using a day-to-day blog a few times in the past.
    I look forward to learning about other forms of social media in this class this term!

  38. My name is Elizabeth Krysa. I am in my second year of Human Ecology, family studies. My current use of social media is limited. Facebook to see what my friends and family are up to, Youtube for entertaining videos, email for school, but that's about it.
    I have no idea how to blog- I've already had my comment deleted while trying to post it. That was fun. Twitter was a bit too much for my taste, I find little interest in following anything but what @JessL will be posting.
    As for starting my own blog- I am concerned. No idea where to even BEGIN a blog. Hoping the course will explain what we need to do, or I may just find myself floundering around the internet in frustration.

  39. Hey Everyone! My name is Jenn Wheeler. I'm in my third year unfortunately stuck in the unknown dead end of the BcS Agriculture majoring in pre-veterinary medicine (the pre-vet major is the dead end part) hoping to soon transfer into the food animal major of the animal health degree if I don't get into Vet school for the coming year! My current use of social media would be my facebook account and watching youtube videos. That's about it. I actually took almost a good 15 minutes trying to psyche myself up to join twitter as I promised I would never succumb to it. I'm also still trying to find my way around the site! I myself have never blogged but I have had several friends who are avid bloggers so I have had the chance to be exposed to it. I'm on my facebook account all the time as it provides the perfect distraction from studying! (whoops.) I do also enjoy reading the online version of cosmo...that's a form of social media, right? ( (That is also my guess as to how to had a link to a comment..I have quite a bit to learn!) I think this class is going to greatly increase my knowledge and use of social media and I'm excited to expand my horizons!

  40. Hi, My name is Yunke Xu. I'm in the second year studying in Nutrition and Food Major. I used to use a blog when I was in high school only for two months. It was an excellent tool to communicate with people who share the same interest with me, but it was quite time consuming and I found it to be a distraction of my study. Now I seldom use it, though it was fun indeed. I use online chat programs only as a tool to contact with my friends and family, and I also use Facebook sometimes. I just set up a Twitter account yesterday. It looks fun to follow other people and organizations. I feel curious about the things we are going to learn in this class, and I hope I will find out more about social media in this course.

  41. Hi everyone. My name is Kendra Hilsenteger and I am in my third year of studies in the ALES faculty, working towards a BSc in Animal Health.

    Currently the only social media I use is Facebook, which I find useful to keep in touch with friends and family. However, in recent months I have been trying to move away from using social media because it distracts from my school work and makes it difficult for me to relate on a more personal level with the people in my life. I also struggle with speaking one-on-one in both formal and informal situations and I feel that using online resources hinders my ability to improve those skills. That said, I definitely see areas in which online communication can be very useful and I am interested to see how it can be applied in a professional setting. I do not have a broad knowledge of how to use blogs and twitter so I hope to come away from this class with a better understanding of how to use these applications.

  42. Hi my name is Laura Scott. I just transferred programs this academic year into Human Ecology (Clothing and textiles) and I am currently in my second year (thank god for credit transfer). My current use of social media are Facebook, to keep up to date with family and friends. I have a Youtube account mainly to listen to music. I use Gmail for school, online shopping/deals and I love the calendar that syncs with my phone! I joined Twitter this year only to win tickets for a show. I am hoping to use it more frequently with the help of this course. I love reading fashion blogs and I am hoping this course will help steer me in that direction with my own blog since I do not know how blogs work exactly and how to make an attractive one. Looking forward to this class:)

  43. Hi my name is Kelsey Rutar. I am in my fourth year of study with my major in Material Culture and my minor in merchandising and marketing. My current use of social media are facebook polyvore, rotating compass and isntagram. I have a smart phone so i use facebook a lot, mostly just to kill time when my life seems to get dull i like to see what my friends are up to. polyvore is a fashion blog site that allows you to also pick the clothes that you like in a photo and it will direct you to a site where you can buy the item that you saw. Its a little dangerous for bank accounts though, it seems that since i have joined that site my bank balance has been going down, but at least my closet is getting more full haha. rotating compass is my friends fashion blog. she was at the uofa but got into a fashion school in vancouver i follow her site so i can keep up with all her new experiences over there. Instagram is an app for iphones, it allows you to find your friends and follow them (kind of like twitter), you can post photos and others see them and can comment and like them. I just got a twitter account for this class. i was afraid to get it because i thought that i would become addicted. and sure enough that has already happened! i love fashion, reading and traveling.

  44. Hello all! My name is Aislinn. I am a second year Human Ecology student, majoring in Clothing and Textiles with a minor in Design and Product Development. I am actually not that active socially online, but I do have a facebook account and for this class, a twitter account. Oh! And I also have a Youtube account, which I use to look up new artists. I am strongly concerned about how technological communication is taking over in-person contact, so I like to talk to people face-to-face. That's about it for me :D

    1. I just realized I forgot to include my full name. So my name is Aislinn Chan.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. Hello all, my name is Sydney Killoh. I am a second year Family studies student and loving it. I have Facebook and Twitter and follow a few blogs but don't have the largest online foot print. The CSL presentation Wednesday was interesting, I never considered using technology to volunteer I considered it a more hands on personal experience.

  47. Bonjour!

    I'm Janessa. This is the first blog that I have ever written and I am excited to explore the possibilities that blogging brings.

    First off I will tell you a little about myself. I am 19 years old, I'm a francophone(hence the "bonjour") and I am in my second year of university. This is the second term that I have done at University of Alberta. I had a SUPER heavy course load last term with five classes and three labs each week. Each week I was preparing for labs, doing the appropriate homework and to top it off I had four assignments to do. So it was practically impossible to get ahead with my work. This term I am still enrolled in five classes however only two labs per week. I'm really hoping to get ahead and stay ahead for this term.

    I grew up in Red Deer, Alberta and my family still lives there so it's not too far of a drive if I decide to go back on weekends. Right after highschool I attended Red Deer college in the pre-professional program (but the first year is just so basic it was like being in general sciences). I am in the nutrition program majoring in food and nutrition. I am hoping one day to become a dietician and work with cancer and radiation patients with their health.

    But enough about me and onto social media. I believe that social media is important in certain ways. It keeps me connected to the world and up to date with what is going on around me. I will be honest and say that I'm not a fan of social networking (facebook, twitter... etc.). Most of the time they are just annoying because individuals use them to document their every move. And personally, I don't care that you're eating breakfast or that you're so in love. What I am interested in is things going on around the world, tragedies, social gatherings, parties, ect.. I have been a part of Facebook for a few years now and just recently joined Twitter which is still very new to me. I use YouTube as well which is very interactive by allowing individuals to post videos. I feel that these videos are very important because they can be about anything! They can be awareness videos, humorous videos, just anything that someone's imagination can come up with. I used to be part of MySpace but got bored and never went back to it. I mostly use these networks for personal use, very rarely for school, research, etc.. I know there is a lot involved with social media but I believe that I have covered the important networks that I am involved with.

    If you have any advice for me about how to make my blog better or anything at all please let me know.

    I really hope that you have enjoyed reading this blog.

    Until next time,
    Janessa is out.

  48. Heya! I'm Annie and this is also my first blog post. I'm a third year in the Animal Health program here at the university and hoping to enter vet school in the near future. Animals, wild and domestic, travel and the great outdoors are my passion among other things :). Currently, I am using only Facebook and Skype although I am considering starting a Blog or Flickr account. Apart from these, I'm familiar with Twitter, Tumblr and YouTube however I don't have accounts in any of these social medias. For me, Facebook and Skype are useful when you want to contact friends you don't usually see on a daily basis, especially international ones. It's also a great place to share pictures with others without having to wait for 30 minutes while your pictures load one by one onto your email. I look forward to learning about the various way these technologies can be used not only personally but professionally as well.

  49. Hi, I am Karen and this is my second year in U of A. I am taking Food Science and Technology, a program about food processing. I am currently using facebook and MSN to chat with friends. I don't use facebook that much since I am not a "technological type" of person. I used to write blogs when I was in junior high, but not at all now because of the busy life in university. I will try my best to share all my happiness and unhappiness on my blog, hopefully this course can help me with a better communicating skill.

  50. Hey! I am Jessie and I'm technically in my third year of Nutrition and Food Sciences. I mainly use Facebook, if anything, however I've been cutting back on that as well. It has its entertaining quality but it's not as exciting as it used to be and I just don't have the patience anymore with all the changes. I do value the fact that you can keep up to date and catch up with friends and family that are dispersed around the world and view their pictures. Besides Facebook, I don't blog, I've abandoned MSN, only created a Twitter account for this class, but might use Skype more often as I actually have a reason now! Technology is great and makes life easier, but I agree with an above comment about the e-readers; nothing beats holding a book in your hands! Mind you, I have an old Kobo now that's been donated to me by my sister and it's awesome too!

  51. Hey! My name is Christie Badach. I am in my second year of my the Animal Health Science degree and I am doing a double major in Proformance and Companion Animal as well as Food Animals. The social media I use are facebook, msn email and messenger,my university e-mail and youtube. I use facebook to keep in touch with family and friends close by or further away. My msn hotmail I use for personal emails as well as updates from stores and websites. I usually only use my university email if I need to contact a prof and youtube is great to learn extra info or for a good laugh!!

  52. Hello, I am Heather Nelson. I am a 4th year student in Environment and Conservation Sciences with a major in Human Dimensions of Environmental Sciences. In my free time I am a competitive ballroom dancer. I like brussel sprouts.

    I use Facebook quite a bit and Youtube some. I have mostly abandoned MSN in favour of Skype. I use Gmail and Hotmail. Of course I just started a Twitter account and now have my own blog.
