Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Lecture 2: CSL Partner Presentations

All students will be interested to hear what our CSL partners are looking for in terms of placements but especially those of you who have already signed up to participate in CSL this term.

Today we have the pleasure of hearing both from the CSL team at the U of A and the CSL partners themselves.

Here is some more info:

Campus Food Bank:

Ashley: I’ve been with the CFB since September 2006 as a volunteer, TL, AED and now ED. I graduated in 2010 with a BA in Political Science and German Studies. Food insecurity is a major global issue, and it’s very rewarding to effect change on our campus through the CFB. I’d like to go to Grad school next year (the ED position is max. 2 years, so this is my last year with the CFB!). I currently play hockey and hula hoop like a champ. In the warmer months I ride my Kawasaki Ninja. I enjoy going out dancing with my friends, learning languages and traveling. I love listening to rock/dance music. Feel free to bring your iPod on shift (we have speakers) and make the CFB the best place to volunteer on campus!

Jennifer: I am entering my fourth year of my BSc (biological sciences and psychology), and I am excited to spend my last year working here at the CFB! I have been a volunteer and TL since 2008, and every year the number of dedicated and passionate people who join the CFB never ceases to amaze me. I hope to graduate and continue my studies in either public health or law, as I have a broad interest in social justice both globally and locally.  When I’m not busy with school, I enjoy practicing yoga, painting, or exploring the outdoors. I love working with people, which has been a result of being a part of many student groups and organizations in the community, but the CFB is by far my favourite place to be!

Nehal: I'm a newbie to the CFB family and super excited to be here! I'm finishing my last class for my BSc degree this term, but already have a diploma in Public Relations. I'm hoping to go to grad school sometime in the future and I'm taking a few classes this year that relate to the International Affairs program that I'm interested in. Global issues have always been something that I've followed, especially those related to the Middle East, and I'm hoping to eventually work in the field of PR for international non-profit organizations. I'm a huge fan of music, travel and trying new things. Although I haven't been involved much with the CFB before now, I'm looking forward to helping make this year its best yet!


About the organization
Community Service-Learning
11039 Saskatchewan Drive

Auralia Brooke

Lorraine Woollard (alternate)
Imagine volunteering with a community organization as part of a university course - earning course credit by becoming involved in local community issues and initiatives.  Our students are doing it as part of the Community Service-Learning (CSL) Program.

Community Service-Learning (unlimited number of students)
CSL integrates volunteer work with classroom studies.  Instructors and community partners work together to design volunteer projects and experiences to meet the needs of community organizations and fulfill the objectives of academic courses. Students, in turn, reflect critically on how their experiences help to develop them as scholars and as citizens.

Some clearances required (Police Information Check, Youth Intervention Check).  Make sure to pick a placement that fits with your schedule.

About the organization
Alberta Caregivers Association
Fulton Place School
10310 56 Street

Anna Mann (main)

Leah Eliuk

A Caregiver is anyone caring for a family member or friend living with challenges due to disability, illness, or age. The Alberta Caregivers Association makes Caregivers’ lives easier through support, information, education, networking, advocacy, and community development.

Building Online Community (2 students)

The ACGA provides online resources and information that assist caregivers during their journey. Students will draw information from one of our Caregiver Community Workshop Workbooks on a topic such as wellness, housing & transportation, financial planning, communication, legal issues and making choices. Students will then conduct a short interview with an appropriate professional related to their chosen topic and caregiving. Students will also synthesize information on their topic from the Workbook and prepare text to complement their interview for the ACGA website. The ACGA will provide training on the technical aspects of recording and editing an interview.
Writers Guild of Alberta
11759 Groat Road NW
Edmonton, AB T5M 3K6

Nichole Quiring,
Program Coordinator
Phone: 780-422-8174
Fax: 780-422-2663

Carol Holmes,
Executive Director (Primary Contact)
Phone: 780-422-8174
Fax: 780-422-2663

The Writers Guild of Alberta (WGA) was formed in 1980 to provide a meeting ground and collective voice for all the writers of the province. The WGA helps give Alberta writers a sense of unity and community, and is the largest provincial writers’ organization in Canada.
The WGA believes that:
1. The literary arts are essential to the well-being of all individuals, communities and the economy of Alberta;
2. Working in partnership with other organizations contributes to the quality of life in Alberta;
3. Networking and collaboration are beneficial to innovation and the creative process;
4. A free and safe environment is essential for writers to pursue their craft;
5. Knowledge and ongoing development are fundamental to creative growth.

Writers Guild of Alberta Interactive Youth Website/Blog
 (2 Students)

The Writers Guild of Alberta has a main, informative website for both members and non-members. http://www.writersguild.ab.ca/ We would like to add some sort of extension to this website being an interactive youth site that our younger members can obtain resources and information from and interact. Goals of this site/blog etc are:

a)      Blog where Guild staff and camp instructors can post youth event topics for discussion
b)      Forums for teens to ask questions pertaining to all things writing and where they can respond to topics/articles/events etc. on the webpage
c)      A place for students to post their writing—separate from discussion forums
d)      Online Registrations for youth or their parents to register them for Guild events—this could be integrated into the website or what we currently use: Eventbrite.
e)      We would also like this page to be a place where we can post: Guild events and youth programs, markets, contests, resources, our youth camp updates—throughout the year, guest posts from YA authors, and or Q & As where kids can send their questions and an author can answer them in the blog post, writing prompts.

We are looking for a student to design or help the program and membership coordinators  come up with a design concept for this site.
Campus Food Bank
0-40j SUB

Ashley Seibert

Jennifer Nguyen

The Campus Food Bank is a registered non-profit organization that distributes food items and toiletries to all members of the university community--students, staff, alumni and their children. As such, the CFB is governed by a Board of Directors that represents the members of the University Community.
Food Bank Volunteer (2 or more students)

There are two complementary roles for the placement:

-Volunteering in our office one hour per week on a designated shift (same time every week) in the Campus Food Bank office to learn about the basics of our service.

- Approximately one additional hour per week would be spent assisting with fundraisers/special events/special projects. This involves working with Team Leader (senior volunteers) committees to make up some hours and gain a deeper understanding of our organization. The Team Leaders (senior volunteers) focus on the areas of fundraising, sponsorship, awareness, or statistics. No experience in these areas is required, and you’d be working with your fellow students on campus.

Police Information Check is required. A Campus Food Bank Volunteer Contract must be signed (will be provided upon placement and outlines conduct expectations). Hours can be completed between
10:00 – 5:00, Monday – Friday, or on student’s time.

Green Hectares

Dana Penrice
Green Hectares was founded by young people with a passion for agriculture. The mandate of Green Hectares is to support the rural way of life in the areas of education, business and culture. Green Hectares was founded in 2007 and operates as a not-for-profit organization.

A three-pronged strategy was developed combined combining an online presence, programs and a physical site that will facilitate a practical think tank. While pursing all aspects of this strategy, Green Hectares is currently focused on the online presence and programs.

Green Hectares is offering a program to allow for short term, informal mentorship for rural business people and entrepreneurs at agricultural events across Alberta. This program will provide an organized venue at tradeshows and conferences for the exchange of ideas and knowledge.
Participants will have access to a panel of top experts and professionals who will share advice, counsel, mentorship and connections. It will provide the opportunity for entrepreneurs and rural businesses to learn things that they had never thought of before and for panel members to gain insights from face-to-face conversations with individuals in the industry.

CSL Communications Project (2-4 Students)

Students will work with Green Hectares to develop a “How to pitch your good idea” resource kit for the participants of our program. The goal of this project will be for the student to translate what they are learning in ALES 204 into a practical, easy to comprehend tool for our program participants who will go before the expert panel.

The resources’ format will be determined through conversations with the students and Green Hectares to align the student’s interest with an effective tool but it may include handouts, video, infographic, tip sheet etc. or a combination of a few. We will provide support through experts to advise you on these different communications mediums to create a high quality product ready for the industry (ex: videographer/editor, graphic artist, etc.)

Your 20 hours of time will be spent:
- understanding the target audience demographic
- determining the best communication tips to present
- producing your resources and working with experts
- evaluating the resources

Dana Penrice of Green Hectares is available to meet with students for this project whenever it fits with their timetable. (Mondays and Tuesday I will be on campus already.)
University of Alberta Students’ Union
2-900 SUB, 8900 114 Street

Nigel Brachi

Marc Dumochel
The Students’ Union is a student-centric organization that serves as a strong advocate for students at all levels of government and at the university. We provide access to a range of businesses designed to appeal to student needs, and offer a variety of student services to meet the needs of all of our members. We also operate the Students' Union Building.

The Students' Union is run by students for students, and prides itself on being a proactive organization that is sensitive to the needs of individual students as well as the student body as a whole. The Students' Union is committed to ensuring that education is affordable and of the highest quality, and that student experiences are very positive.
Communications Assistants (1-4 Students)

Students will evaluate existing strategies for promoting involvement by students in University governance (i.e., University committees and councils, faculty associations, and student government).  Based on that review, students will help create a communications and engagement campaign to promote student engagement in governance.

SUSTAIN SU: The Student Sustainability Service
Students’ Union Building

Ian Moore

SUSTAIN SU is a service of the Students’ Union that provides peer-to-peer learning and support for all undergraduate students to incorporate sustainability into every aspect of their university experience. This includes providing sustainability-based services to the entire campus community, as well as opportunities to facilitate change on a larger scale. SUSTAIN SU defines sustainability as a decision-making process and lifestyle that balances economic, social, and environmental responsibility in a just and equitable manner.
Over the past two school years, the University of Alberta Students’ Union’s environmental service, the Environmental Coordination Office of Students (ECOS), has been reviewing its operations to determine (a) whether its services were complementing effectively those offered by UAlberta’s new Office of Sustainability and (b) whether its primary focus on environmental sustainability was limiting its effectiveness. In the Winter 2011 term, a proposal was put forward to the SU’s Executive Committee with a new mission statement that would shift the service’s focus towards a more holistic definition of sustainability, as well as clarify the service’s role with respect to the Office of Sustainability. This proposal was approved in March 2011 and the service’s personnel have subsequently begun work on rebranding and reframing each aspect of ECOS’s operations. Most significantly, ECOS has adopted the new name and tagline “SUSTAIN SU: The Student Sustainability Service”, a new logo, and a new strategic plan.
Redevelopment Communications Assistants (3 students)

As a CSL student involved with SUSTAIN SU, you will be responsible for helping communicate to the campus community the service’s new name, mandate, values, modifications to its projects, and any other changes SUSTAIN SU’s staff see fit. This will take the form of classroom presentations, social media, innovative sustainable marketing materials, tabling, website content creation, and classroom whiteboard messages.

CSL students will have the opportunity to brainstorm with SUSTAIN SU’s staff innovative and effective marketing techniques and materials that align with the service’s new strategic plan (mission statement and values). Consequently, this CSL opportunity offers students with a fair amount of flexibility. As long as the message is consistent and the techniques used align with the service’s strategic plan, SUSTAIN SU’s staff will be happy with the work done.


  1. It is an amazing experience to have CSL partner presentations. Their speeches motivated me to be a part of the big family of volunteers. I am looking forward to having a great "trip" with CSL program.

    Hey everyone,
    my Chinese name is Nian Liu, and you can also call me Livy! I am a second year student in U of A, but a first year student in Food Science and Technology program, because I tansferred from the Faculty of Arts in 2011 fall. I think the internet is a very valuable and convenient tool for communication and information exchange, but my current use of social media is fairly small: Facebook (I always forget to check it…), Google(for searching information ), YouTube( for keeping up on the latest news) and Skype (for communication with my parents and friends in China). I just signed up for Twitter several hours ago for this class, so there are still many new things for me to learn. It’s really cool to communicate with our professor with Twitter! I am looking forward to gaining more knowledge about Twitter and learning lots of new communication strategies in ALES 204 this term!

  2. Hello everyone,
    My name is Marcos Aguiar and I'm a second year Animal Health Major. I’m originally from Ceara, Brazil. I’ve been living in the US for about 10 years, attending college in Colorado and then working as a zookeeper in Alaska. I have to say that my years as a zookeeper were the best time I’ve had in the US. Mainly for the animals and the other zookeepers. No matter how hard things were in Alaska, they always made my days so much better. So I’m back in school to get a masters degree later on and hopefully work with animals again.
    I’ve never used a lot of the social media sites besides facebook and, more recently, skype. But I’m sure I’ll learn all about them in this class. I’m looking forward to learn new ways of communication.

    1. That is amazing that you worked zoo keeing in Alaska! Wow!

  3. Hi, my name is Rebecca Saul. I am in my second year in Human Ecology, majoring in family studies, minoring in child and youth studies. I am typically a little apprehensive about signing up new outlets of social media, but eventually I see the benefits of joining. Like most people, I compulsively check my Facebook to see what's going on and stay in touch with people that I have met. Last year, I joined Flickr so that I could post pictures that I was doing for a project 365. And of course, I recently jointed Twitter for this class (@BeccaSoul), and am really enjoying it. I am looking forward to learning some of the ways to integrate knowledge and social media because this seems to be the way things are going! (And I'm no good at it- yet...)

  4. Hello,
    My name is Kelsie Gilks, I am in my second year of the Nutrition and Food Science program but am switching to a Family Ecology major with a Community Nutrition Minor.
    I have been apart of Facebook for many years now but have always been slightly stand-off-ish about getting a Twitter account, but that day has come to an end as I signed up for it last night (@KelsieGilks). I have the Facebook App on my phone and check it religiously, and often times, too much. I am apart of the Alpha Psi sorority on campus and Facebook is our main tool for communicating upcoming events as well as involvement in other events going on in the Greek community. Skype is another big social tool I use to stay connected with many of my friends and family that are living elsewhere and traveling the world.
    I am looking forward to learning how Twitter can play a role in communication in my daily life. Learning more about what social media has to offer will definitely benefit me in the long run as it is obvious that the world is heading in a more social media based society. Having the Twitter connection between students and professor is a really cool tool as well. I can't wait to see what ALES 204 has to offer for broadening my understanding of the social media world.

  5. Hi, my name is Layla. I am in my third year of the Nutrition major. I am very excited to be in the latter half of my degree as it so interesting and I love it! Much better than chem 261 etc.
    I have zero presence in the social media world, I used to have facebook but deleted it about 2 years ago. I felt like I was spending too much time on it and it accomplished nothing for me. It can lead to people not talking to each other because they see their life updates on fb. I prefer to have real contact with the people that are important to me and vice versa. It'll take me awhile to figure all this out! I'm interested to see if what we learn in this course will change how I view the social media world.

  6. Hi everyone,
    My name is Hilary and I am a 3rd year Animal Science student. I grew up in the country and hope to inspire other people in my community to get an education in Agriculture. In the summer I work for Forestry and Wildland firefighting which I love. I have been a long term user of both facebook and twitter (@canadjian). I also have skype, google plus, and flickr (which I hope to upload photos to soon).
    Social media is a great tool to communicate and educate with. We use it a lot in dispatch and throughout SRD to educate the public with different facets of operations. This summer Wildfire Info created a facebook page, to post updates and information about the big Alberta fires. Not only was this great for general public, those of us in different areas were able to get quick and accurate information as to what was happening as well. In my opinion, this has been one of the best information tools, it allows people to interact and ask questions in ways which are more convenient.
    I follow a few blogs online and I think it will be interesting to start one. I look forward to learning about other social media platforms I haven’t had a chance to look at yet, and to meeting new people.

  7. Hi, my name is Caitlyn. I'm in my second year in the animal health program, with a major in companion and performance animals. My current use of social media is pretty much Facebook. I have had it for a few years now and use it to keep up with friends from home and family members. I have also just joined twitter (@cerickson92) for this class, which I had said I would never do but I guess not now. I have not really a clue how to use it but I'll learn. I'm excited in this class to see how social media is being used today.

  8. Hi, My name is Sara Hughes. I am in my first year of forestry but have a business admin certificate and have done a year of general sciences. After working a few years I decided to go back to school so that I could advance in my career choice. I currently use Facebook to keep in touch with my family in Ontario and Montreal as well as my friends from my home town in northern Alberta. I have a Tumblr account that I do not post in often. I have just joined twitter for this class (@SaraHugh). I'm very excited to explore the social media that is used today.

  9. Hey! My name is Vanesa Flynn. I am currently enrolled in my 2nd year of NUFS, aspiring to get into NUTR. My main interests are nutrition and buisness and I am still torn between the two. I have only used Facebook up until this class, so Twitter will be a whole new learning curve for me. I am extremely interested in learning a professional way to tweet & Facebook, I believe they will be good life skills considering where our world is headed. You can follow me @ VanilaaaBeann #nootheroptions#i'mnew#Vanesa Flynn :)

  10. Hi my name is Hayley Kosolofski. I am a second year Animal Health student with a major in Companion and Performance Animals. I am planning to apply to either WCVM or UCVM to pursue a career in veterinary medicine. I am not sure what I will do after graduating but I am interested in working with horses, companion animals, and wildlife. I currently do not use social media very much so i am looking forward to learning more.

  11. Hi everyone, my name is Brittany Stewart. I am in my third year of Human Ecology with Combined Education, and I am minoring in Social Studies. My main form of social media is facebook, but I did recently sign up for twitter (just before we went back to school, so it was convienient I didn't have to make a twitter account for this class!). I also use pinterest to find interesting ideas, and communicate with other users on the site. A few friends have blogs that I also sometimes read. I feel like this class will be really interesting and applicable to my daily life!

  12. Hi my name is Jacqueline Baker, I have just started my second semester of my second year of school in the nutrition major and began a new communications course called ALES 204. We were asked to create a twitter account to tweet and do blogs related to our class, so this is very new to me. I don't commonly use social media via the internet as a form of communication, I do have a facebook account that I use to talk with family and friends who don't live very close to me or catch up with those who are hard to get together with. I don't usually update my status, add pictures or use facebook other than to message people so tweeting and blogging will be quite new to me.

    A form that might be considered social media would be texting which I do use daily to talk with friends and family, I do love to text and talk so this form of communication is a good quick way to catch up with people. I also play a game called words with friends that is like a scrabble game that you can have chats sessions with those your playing with at the same time. This game is something my boyfriend and I do to see who can come up with the best words to gain more point and also keep him entertained while he's gets stuck in the hospital on a long call.

    Though I typically I don't use social media as often as many people do, I love having access to it to be able to communicate with those that it's harder to get together with to catch up in person but at least be able to stay in touch with.

  13. Hi all, my name is Qiyun Liang, if u like can call me Yvonne. I am a second year international student from China. I speak English, Cantonese and Mandarin. I am major in Nutrition and Food, I hope I can transfer to Nutrition major, but that is not likely gonna happen, TnT.

    I am a stay-home girl, I don’t like sport much, TV shows are my favourite. Now, it seems like Twitter will be in my favourite list. That is fun, easy to access what is new. I hope this would make me more connected with friends, new or old.
