Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Lecture 7: Facebook, Science & Business

For our homework activity:

•With a partner or in small groups, please respond to the following. Be sure to add your comment (and group members’ names) to the WALL of our ALES204 Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ALES-204-Dr-Laccetti/311657842204554?sk=wall
•RE: David Carr's article, "Why Twitter Will Endure” write a brief synopsis of the article.
•something NEW that you learnt from the article
•something that you ALREADY knew.
Lecture 7: Facebook Page Assignment
View more presentations from Jessica Laccetti.

A reminder that the Facebook Page is part of your e-portfolio so please be sure to include all those elements as listed in the assignment which can be found here.


  1. I am wondering if people from ALES 204 really think twitter is here to stay or will it fade and be replaced by other social media sites? I personally think that it is just another rolling technological fad that will soon fade overtime just like all the other networking fads before it nexopia, myspace, etc.

  2. I think it has the power to stick around. It has already evolved so much, and I think that its flexibility and capacity to be modified for various uses is what will keep it popular. You never know though - I was so addicted to Nexopia back in the day and thought that Facebook would never be cool. My opinion has sure changed since then. Google+ was also raved about and supposed to make it big, but it never really caught on from what I can tell.

  3. Becky - In response to your question of if I, being a fellow ALES 204 student, think that twitter will continue to be a popular networking site. - When first enrolling in the class of ALES 204 and being notified that we as students must activate a twitter account and "tweet" as part of the class I was uncertain of what twitter was, who was on it and if the site really deserved my time. But now that the semester is coming to an end, I have learnt so many numerous facts and useful ways of how social media works and the importance in todays society. I now have a better understanding as to what twitter is and how it can be useful in everyday life. Prior to learning about twitter I would have come to the conclusion that twitter will be just another fade. But thanks to ALES 204 I feel like making a twitter account has become a great addition to my everyday life. The fact that I understand the different ways that twitter can be used rather than just communicating with followers as of what you are doing at the moment makes me believe that twitter has been a great addition to todays society and is here to stay.
