Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Syllabus & Assignment Due Dates

Here is a link to the current syllabus. Please feel free to print out a copy and keep it in your folders for easy reference.

Also, here is a link to the main assignment due at the end of the term, the e-portfolio. Please see here for the entire assignment.

Note also the CURRENT due dates for the assignments.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions.




Throughout the term
Participation on class blog and Twitter. Every week, students will be expected to use our class blog to share a core question or thought that emerges from the assigned readings. These questions can be a paragraph or so and informal, but they are intended to help Dr. Laccetti better understand how the students are relating to the class materials and content as well as providing students with an opportunity to reflect and synthesize course content as well as developing an online footprint. Comments should be posted on the Professor’s Module Post. Note: if students are asked to complete a particular assignment (such as the Wordle) that will count towards your participation online. (20%)
Friday January 20th, 11:50
Module 2: Write an introductory post (about two paragraphs) about you and your field of study and what role communication plays in your work (dissemination of results, linking with fellow researchers, etc.…) Forms part of the E-Portfolio. (5%)
Lab session during Module 5, Week of February 6th
Poster Presentation.  An impromptu group presentation of a poster will take place in a lab during the week of Module 5, and will be assessed by the TA. (10%)

Friday March,23rd,  17:00
Update Wikipedia Stub Article. Identify a Wikipedia stub entry that is in your field of expertise. This assignment will require you to add content and references. Forms part of the E-Portfolio. (10%)

Friday, March 30th, 17:00
Science Article Assignment: Students will be given at least two options for this assignment. Potential options include topics on open access publishing, features of academic journals, comparative analysis of journal articles and a translation of an academic scientific article into a web presentation suitable for a general audience. (20%)
Friday, April 13th , 17:00
E-Portfolio: to be published on student’s own blog. Some in class assignments will form part of your E-Portfolio including:
§  Module 2: Introductory Blog Post
§  Module 3: Embed the Flickr photo of your paper Facebook profile.
§  Module 10: Wikipedia stub entry

Additional E-Portfolio entries include:
§  Embed your Twitter feed in the sidebar of your blog.

§Reflective blog post.
Total E-Portfolio worth 35%


(Community Service-Learning Students)

Students participating in the CSL stream will be required to complete all assignments except the Science Article assignment and the Wikipedia Peer Review assignment.

NOTE: Assignment due dates are the same but note the weighting.

Participation on class blog and Twitter (20%)

Lab Attendance and Participation

Module 2: Write an introductory post (about two paragraphs) about you and your field of study and what role communication plays in your work (dissemination of results, linking with fellow researchers, etc.…) Forms part of the E-Portfolio. (5%)

Poster Presentation: An impromptu group presentation of a poster will take place in a lab during the week of Module 5, and will be assessed by the TA. (10%)

Last Day of Class: Pecha Kucha presentation on your placement and what you learnt (20%)

E-Portfolio: to be published on student’s own blog. Some in class assignments will form part of your E-Portfolio including:
      Module 2: Introductory Blog Post
      Module 3: Embed the Flickr photo of your Facebook business page
      Module 10: Topic of Your Choice

Additional E-Portfolio entries include:
      Embed your Twitter feed in the sidebar of your blog.
      Reflective blog post.

Total E-Portfolio worth 35%

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