Monday, January 23, 2012

Module 3: Facebook for Business

Students, as a comment to this post, leave a link to your blog with your flickr photo of your professional Facebook PAGE (not a profile!).

DUE: 17:00 on Friday, 27th of Jan. 2012

In the words of a previous ALES204 student, this is what the assignment requires:

  1. "Create a page" on my existing Facebook profile that is like an e-Resume 
  2.  Take a 'print screen' picture of the page with the basic information wall showing
  3. Save this photo in Flickr and post it on my blog
  4. Write 2-4 paragraphs on my blog pertaining to my facebook page
  5. Post a link on the class blog that connects you to my blog post with the flickr photo

Remember, this assignment forms PART of the e-portfolio and as such, needs to follow those guidelines:

At the end of the term, you will have written at least five blog posts.  In each blog post (EXCEPT the first Introductory post) you must:
  1. Include at least one image (properly cited)
  2. Include at least one external link (somewhere out in the WWW)
  3. Include at least one reference to a fellow student’s blog post (you must link to the post, i.e. internal link)
  4. Be on topic (i.e. related to our class work).
  5. Each blog post should be at least two paragraphs but no more than four.

Additionally, here is a rubric for the profile itself:


  1. Name:Julianna Lackowicz
    TA: Kaustav
    Section: H1
    Blog Link:

  2. Name: Omair Afzal
    TA: Pamela
    Section: H2
    Blog Link:

  3. Name: Brenda Le
    TA: Shannon
    Section: H8
